The modern anti-semite: The so-called Israel critic “The ‘Israel critic’ will never state ‘Jews go home’ but is questioning the legality of the incorporation of the State of Israel and therefore the right for the Jewish people to settle in their homeland. He will not say the Jews are the evil of the world but claim that the State of Israel is a major cause for instability and war in the region. There is no other country, no other people on this planet the ‘Israel critic’ would dedicate so much time and devotion as to the case of Israel.…
FULL ARTICLETag: zionism
My open letter to “Canada’s foremost philosopher of war”
Joshua Blakeney’s Open Letter to Dr. Viminitz inspired mine It never ceases to amaze me: The academy, whose job is to speak truth to power, has effectively banned serious questioning of what happened on 9/11/2001. If you’re a professor, you can say just about anything. You can even defend the mass slaughter of non-combatants on 9/11 and cheer the perpetrators – as long as you toe the party line that it was al-Qaeda that did it. Take Paul Viminitz – please. Viminitz, a pro-Zionist Jew who poses as a big al-Qaeda supporter, is regularly invited to lecture at universities around…
FULL ARTICLEMeth-For-Sex Arrest of Colorado VIP Highlights Power of Alternative Media
Criminal elite panics as alternative media expose their crimes and set the stage for mass executions Just a few minutes ago, Denver’s channel 3 broke the story: Former Arapaho Sheriff Patrick Sullivan – an extremely well-connected member of the Colorado political elite – has been arrested in a meth-for-sex scandal allegedly involving underage partners of both genders. But there might have been no arrest – and therefore no mainstream story to break – if it hadn’t been for Jonathan Elinoff and yours truly. Elinoff, a scourge of the New World Order and alternative media powerhouse, came on my radio show…
FULL ARTICLESenator Mike Gravel: Israel lies; US is a war-hungry drunk
Tuesday, November 29th, 11 a.m. to noon Central (9-10 Pacific) on (archived here a few hours after broadcast). Senator Mike Gravel of the 9/11 Citizens’ Commission campaign has always been one of the few truth-tellers in American politics. But recently he’s been ratcheting it up a couple of notches. See: US Senator Condemns Israel’s Lies about Iran And:
FULL ARTICLEMilitary should “just say no” to Iran attack
Who’s going to stop the Zionists from using the US military to attack Iran? The President can’t do it – not in an election year. The Congress can’t do it – not in an election year, or any year for that matter. The Zionists have a down payment on the White House, and they own Congress free and clear. Zionist sources are said to provide roughly half of the bribe money euphemistically known as “campaign contributions.” They’ve turned the entire US political class into a gang of treasonous whores who daily pledge undying allegiance to the Israeli flag. So who…
FULL ARTICLEZionist bullets: Shots across Obama’s bow?
Is the state of Israel threatening the life of the President of the United States? To those brainwashed by America’s Zionist corporate media, the question sounds like paranoid fantasy. But the truth is that powerful geopolitical actors do sometimes attempt to intimidate each other through “plausibly deniable” threats. And the Zionists, masters of hardball realpolitik, are said to do such things with some regularity, not to mention chutzpah.Item: Obama leaves his microphone on to tell the world that Netanyahu is a liar. Zionist flack Dennis Ross is ejected from the White House. It looks like Obama isn’t going to obey…
FULL ARTICLEFeroze Mithiborwala: “Occupy Jerusalem!”
Tuesday, November 16th, 11 a.m. to noon Central (9-10 Pacific) on (archived here a few hours after broadcast). Guest: Feroze Mithiborwala of the Muslim Intellectual Forum of India and the South Asian Solidarity Initiative, organizer of the Global March to Jerusalem, which aims to bring a million pro-Palestine people to Jerusalem next May 15th. The Zionists are freaking out:Israel National News: Millon Man Worldwide ‘Caravan’ Set to ‘Liberate Jerusalem.’ The Global March to Jerusalem was recently endorsed by one of my favorite regular radio guests, Richard Falk: “…it is important for all those committed to peace and justice to…
FULL ARTICLEGordon Duff: Netanyahu’s a liar, the Pope is Catholic, and we know what bears do in the woods
Truth Jihad Radio Wed. 11/9/11, 1-3 pm Central, American Freedom Radio (archived here.) Call-in: (402) 237-2525 or post your questions to my Facebook page. Guest: Gordon Duff, Editor of Veterans Today (we’re trying to get the likely next President of Pakistan, Imran Khan, to join us! See: Massive Rally in Lahore: Imran Khan Leads Calls for Pakistan to End US Alliance and VT Contributor, Imran Khan Blasts US for War Stance.) If one liar tells another liar that an even worse liar is a liar, and the second liar agrees with the first liar, are the first two liars telling…
FULL ARTICLEAdrian Salbuchi: Zionist banksters on the verge of unleashing World War Three
Tuesday, November 9th, 11 a.m. to noon Central (9-10 Pacific) on (archived here a few hours after broadcast). Guest: Adrian Salbuchi, international consultant and author, anti-New World Order activist-pundit, founder of Argentina’s Second Republic Movement, 9/11 truth supporter and critic of Zionism. Adrian recently appeared on Russia Today, arguing that Netanyahu’s current push for war with Iran may not be a bluff, and that it could set off World War III. Listen to today’s show for the full story!
FULL ARTICLEAdrian Salbuchi: Zionist banksters on the verge of unleashing World War Three
Tuesday, November 9th, 11 a.m. to noon Central (9-10 Pacific) on (archived here a few hours after broadcast). Guest: Adrian Salbuchi, international consultant and author, anti-New World Order activist-pundit, founder of Argentina’s Second Republic Movement, 9/11 truth supporter and critic of Zionism. Adrian recently appeared on Russia Today, arguing that Netanyahu’s current push for war with Iran may not be a bluff, and that it could set off World War III. Listen to today’s show for the full story!