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FFWN: Delta+Omicron = MediaControl (Are They Gaslighting Us?)

With guest commenter E. Michael Jones Broadcasts live 11 to noon Eastern Saturdays — watch the full uncensored version above.  We are NOT broadcasting on my YouTube channel  this week due to censorship. PSA 1) Help FFWN stay ahead of the curve Delta+Omicron = MediaControl 2) They are mocking the people who believe the false narrative (“delta omicron” anagram for “media control”)  3) RFK Jr. as America’s #1 HIV/AIDS Denier and the Sounds of Media Silence 3.5) Ron Unz: MSM Hit Piece on RFK Jr. Is “The Dog That Didn’t Bark” 4) RFK Jr’s Heroic Resistance…


Josh Mitteldorf survives head-on bike-truck crash—and plugs RFK Jr.’s book

Listen HERE Scientist Josh Mitteldorf, author (with Dorion Sagan) of Cracking the Aging Code, believes human lifespans can potentially be greatly extended, and suspects we may be on the verge of a breakthrough in anti-aging science. But he almost didn’t get to live long enough to find out. Last July 21 Josh was on the bike end of a bicycle-truck head-on collision; his survival with no brain or spine damage seems almost miraculous. After recounting his harrowing experience, Josh goes on to briefly describe a prospective anti-aging breakthrough, and offer an extended appreciation of JFK Jr.’s bestseller The Real Anthony…


FFWN: Bill Gates Apologizes for Smallpox, NYT Insists Epstein DID Kill Himself

Broadcasts live 11 to noon Eastern Saturdays — watch the full uncensored version above. Normally there is also a shorter version on my YouTube channel  — but not this week, due to YouTube censorship. So we will be free to discuss medical issues honestly throughout the show! PSAs 1) Help FFWN Ridicule Billionaires with Weird Hobbies Censored Debate on Medical Issues 2) Vaccinated English adults under 60 are dying at twice the rate of unvaccinated people the same age 3) Vaccine ‘dramatically’ increases heart risk, says new study 4) California Man Pressured to Take Covid Vax Dies,…


Meryl Nass on anti-vaccine petition to FDA

Listen HERE Meryl Nass, MD discusses her and RFK Jr.’s new Children’s Health Defense petition to the FDA to withdraw COVID vaccines from the market. CHD reports: “On May 16, Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. and Meryl Nass, MD, on behalf of Children’s Health Defense (CHD), took a landmark step in the COVID crisis that has irrevocably changed billions of lives around the globe by filing a Citizen Petition with the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to withdraw COVID-19 vaccines from the market… “Specifically, the petition calls upon the FDA to: Revoke the Emergency Use Authorizations (EUAs) for COVID vaccines Refrain…


Did Israeli vaccine kill 40x more elderly than the disease would have killed? To know, we need better debunking

UPDATE FRIDAY MARCH 5: THE PATRICK DELANEY ARTICLE DISCUSSED HERE (SEE SCREENSHOT ABOVE) HAS BEEN REMOVED FROM THE CHILDREN’S HEALTH DEFENSE WEBSITE By Kevin Barrett Did the Pfizer vaccine in Israel kill 40 times more elderly, and 260 times more younger people, than COVID itself would have killed? That is the assertion in the headline of an article by Patrick Delaney, published in Childrens’ Health Defense. How should we go about “fact-checking” this kind of controversial claim? I spent many years teaching critical thinking in colleges and universities, so my way of approaching such questions focuses on logic and evidence. Oddly,…


Moderna, Pfizer Announce New Vaccine Against Vaccine Hesitancy

Dissociated Press In a joint press conference this morning America’s two biggest vaccine makers, Moderna and Pfizer, announced that they have begun manufacturing a combined total of ten billion doses of a new vaccine against vaccine hesitancy. “Currently almost half the population is vaccine hesitant,” explained Moderna-Pfizer Cartel spokesperson Prixley “Prix” Needleman. “Obviously there is no point in making COVID-19 vaccines when so many people won’t take them. So before the full roll-out of the COVID vaccine, we are going to have to vaccinate the entire population, especially vaccine-hesitant cohorts, against vaccine hesitancy.” The so-called AntiAntiVaxVax  (AAVV) will be rolled…

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