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Zionist Islamophobes Macron & Pam Geller Turn “Free Speech” Upside-Down

By Kevin Barrett, Veterans Today Editor I finally got America’s queen of Islamophobia, Pam Geller, to shut up. Geller had been exchanging long-winded emails with Michael Korn, a Jewish convert to Christianity, and I was on their cc list. She endlessly blathered, spewing mendacious generalities about how “Islamic law forbids criticism of Islam, Quran, Muhammad” and that the word Islamophobia “is used to intimidate people into thinking there is something wrong with opposing jihad terror.” When Korn didn’t swallow her BS, Geller signed off saying “I will never surrender…I have survived multiple assassination attempts because of this cartoon.” I answered…


Paleocons on parade! Rev. Ted Pike, Martin Hill diversify Truth Jihad Radio

Mon.  11/12/12, 3-5 pm Central,  American Freedom Radio  (archived here.) Some people think I’m too left wing – I ran for Congress as the only Libertarian in favor of single-payer health insurance – while others think I’m too right wing. But I don’t see why we have to keep using a paradigm that was already getting stale 200 years ago! Anyway, I had a bunch of “left” guests last week, so I’m making up for it today by featuring two of my favorite paleocons. Rev. Ted Pike opposes Talmudic Judaism, thereby eliciting the Wrath of Foxman. (Me, I have always…