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USA has gone fascist – I’m living proof!

No, no, no, I’m not trading in my truth jihad for Homeland Security jackboots! It’s the witch-hunt that drove me out of the academy, and robbed me of a projected $2 million in lifetime earnings, that’s proof America has followed Nazi Germany, Mussolini’s Italy, Franco’s Spain, and Pinochet’s Chile down the path to fascism. That is what Naomi Wolf says in her New York Times bestseller The End of America, anyway. Wolf writes that one of the ten steps to fascism is: TARGET KEY INDIVIDUALS. She considers me one of those key individuals. I’m flattered. She even compares me to…


9/11 as Black Swan

A review of Nassim Nicholas Taleb‘s The Black Swan: The Impact of the Highly Improbable by Kevin Barrett, 9/11, we can all agree, was a highly-improbable, high-impact event on which fortunes were made and lost. I personally lost about two million dollars on 9/11. In 2004, I turned down a University of California post-doc because it was funded by the 9/11-disinfo-spreading Ford Foundation, thereby stepping off the academic career track in favor of 9/11 truth activism. As a 45-year-old, I would have been expected to average at least $75,000 per year for about 25 years had I labored on…