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Shameless chutzpah: Could it work for Muslims too?

As an American Muslim, I am a great admirer of the Jewish people, especially American Jews. I think we Muslims can learn a lot from the way Jews have made their presence felt in American society.For example, I marvel at the chutzpah of the Beth Shalom Temple in Corona, California, which recently tried to shake down Mel Gibson: “Our proposal to you, Mr. Gibson, is since you have been cited as an Anti-Semitic, and have denied those allegations, what better way to prove to all your fans and the nay Sayers — than to endorse and help raise funds for…


Islam, family values, and the decline of Western Civilization

 Ominous music plays as images appear on the screen: Muslim terrorists shoot Christians in the head, car bombs explode, executed children lie covered by sheets and a doctored photograph shows an Islamic flag flying over the White House. “This is the true agenda of much of Islam in America,” a narrator intones. “A strategy to infiltrate and dominate America. … This is the war you don’t know about.” –NY Times report on anti-Muslim hate film used in NYPD training Let’s try a little historical IQ test. Read these items and connect-the-dots. * Zionist-made hate-Islam films are shown to American cops…


Islam and liberty: Contradictory or complementary?

In his classic On Liberty, John Stuart Mill observes: “Wherever the (religious) sentiment of the majority is still genuine and intense, it is found to have abated little of its claim to be obeyed.”* More than 150 years later, Mill’s dictum holds true. In irreligious Europe, as in the great coastal metropolitan centers of the USA, there is little legal or social pressure to obey religious dictates; whereas in the Islamic world, and parts of the American heartland, where deeply religious majorities exist, religious opinion demands obeisance on important matters. Is religion, then, an impediment to liberty? Can liberty flower…

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