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Special Jonathan Azaziah interview @ 6 pm Central Tuesday!

Tuesday, March 15th, 4-5 p.m. Pacific (7-8 pm Eastern) on, to be archived here a few hours after broadcast… Giuest: Jonathan Azaziah, author of a terrific new article on captured CIA false-flag terrorist Raymond Davis. An Iraqi, Moroccan-Hebrew, Russian MC, poet, activist and writer from Brooklyn, New York currently residing in Florida, Jonathan puts out articles, poems and music that predominantly deal with international Zionism and the effects that it has on the world’s oppressed people. Jonathan has recently joined the great group of writers at Veterans Today His mixtape, Take The Red Pill Volume 2: Disarm The Octopus…


The Responsibility of the Academy to Illuminate the Truths and Lies of 9/11

I was witch-hunted out of the University of Wisconsin by neocon Republican operatives, presumably to try to dissuade scholars from holding classes like this. Glad to see my brave friends at U. of Lethbridge are not dissuaded!  And speaking of academic freedom, don’t miss tomorrow’s radio show with one of the USA’s most celebrated academic freedom fighters, Peter Kirstein.  -KB


Something to say with your hand on your heart at sporting events

 The Pledge of Atonement I am a citizen, for better or worse, of the United States of America:One nation among others: No better, no worse –Though we have committed great crimesagainst the world and its peopleand must now atone.


GlobalResearch author Keith Harmon Snow on the KB Show

Tuesday, March 8th, 9-10 a.m. Pacific (noon – 1 pm Eastern) on, to be archived here a few hours after broadcast… GlobalResearch author Keith Harmon Snow, who traveled to Tripoli, Libya in 2009 and stayed about 3 days while attending the “2009 International Conference of the Green Book supporters” as a member of the US Delegation invited by former U.S. Congresswoman Cynthia Mckinney (D-GA). A three-time Project Censored award winner, Keith is the author of an excellent article about the crisis in Libya, Petroleum and Empire in North Africa: NATO Invasion of Libya Underway. An excerpt: Claims made by…


Dissident U.W. Dean Howard Ross, dissident mainstream journalist Bob Koehler on TJ Radio

Truth Jihad Radio Mon. 3/7/11, 1-3 pm Central, American Freedom Radio (archived here.) Call-in number: (402) 237-2525 or post your questions to my Facebook page. Not everyone who has worked for the man is a benighted, obsequious cog in the death machine. Today I will be speaking to a former academic insider (first hour) and a current mainstream media journalist (second hour), both of whom have behaved honorably under difficult circumstances. First hour guest: Dr. Howard Ross, former College of Letters and Sciences Dean at the University of Wisconsin-Whitewater, and staunch opponent of racism and other forms of discrimination in…


William Blum, Jim Duensing on Truth Jihad Radio!

Truth Jihad Radio Fri. 3/4/11, 1-3 pm Central, American Freedom Radio (archived here.) Call-in number: (402) 237-2525 or post your questions to my Facebook page. First hour: Leading US Empire critic William Blum, “the thinking man’s Chomsky.” William Blum is the author of Killing Hope: US Military and CIA Interventions Since World War II, which documents an “American holocaust” of millions of people killed and tens of millions who have had their lives ruined by US military and CIA aggression against dozens of nations who never attacked or threatened us. We will discuss topics covered in Blum’s latest Anti-Empire Report:…


“The post-9/11 (academic) community is characterized by two things: everyone is scared, and everyone is lying.”

Dr. Howard Ross, former College of Letters and Sciences Dean at the University of Wisconsin-Whitewater, will join me on Truth Jihad Radio this coming Monday, March 7th. Dr. Ross has already testified that he was part of the hiring process for a tenure-track Arabic-Humanities job in spring 2006 at the University. He has explained that I was clearly the best candidate for the job, and that I became the only eligible candidate when the other two finalists accepted positions elsewhere; yet I was turned down, the Arabic program was shut down, and federal money for the tenure-track position was returned,…


Sander Hicks joins the Wisconsin Revolution

Truth Party founder Sander Hicks arrived in Wisconsin just in time to help stop the police from clearing protesters out of the state capitol. After a spirited and well-attended event at the Wil-Mar Neighborhood Center, followed by refreshments at The Weary Traveler, Sander & Co. arrived at the State Capitol shortly after the 4 pm police deadline for protesters to leave the building, which had been occupied for two weeks. As we got there, hundreds of protesters inside were refusing to leave, and a crowd outside shouted, honked and bullhorned its support. Sander later apparently managed to penetrate security and…


Wisconsin Governor admits to plotting false-flag terror; media averts eyes

Did you know that the Governor of Wisconsin has admitted that he and his advisors “thought about” launching a false-flag terror attack against the people of Wisconsin – and decided not to only because he wasn’t sure it would achieve his political objectives? False-flag terror is the oldest and arguably most powerful trick in the book of governments. By stirring up trouble and spreading fear, rulers trick the people into begging them – the rulers – for security at any price. Whether you are a state governor or the President of the United States or a tinpot dictator like Mubarak,…


Seminar in REVOLUTION coming to Madison, WI this Sunday!

Thursday, Feb. 24th – For Immediate Release Contact: Kevin Barrett, kbarrett(at)merr(dot)comEric Sayward, We Are Change-WisconsinSander Hicks (available for interviews) Truth Party founder Sander Hicks to join Wisconsin Revolution seminar this Sunday, Feb. 27th! Is the unrest in Europe, the revolutions in the Arab world, and now the Wisconsin Revolution the beginning of a global “truth revolution” sparked by the new digital media exposing previously untouchable issues? Legendary New York City publisher, bookstore owner, author and activist Sander Hicks will lead a seminar on “Digital-Age Revolution: DIY Media, Red Pill Issues” this Sunday, February 27th, 1 to 3 pm at the…

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