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Alan Hart: “The Zionization of American politics and how it could be terminated”

This just in today from former lead BBC Mideast correspondent Alan Hart, who will join me on the radio today, Monday 1/9/12, 3 to 4 pm Central. Listen live at The Zionization of American politics and how it could be terminated By Alan Hart      The first headline I thought of for this article was The Zionization of American democracy and how it could be terminated, but then I said to myself: “Don’t be silly, Alan, there’s no democracy in the ‘Land of the Free.’”       Leaving aside the fact that any American can now be arrested and detained…


“People power” topples Mubarak – now can it topple apartheid Israel?

As Tahrir Square in Cairo turned into the party of the century following Mubarak’s departure, the running headline on al-Jazeera underlined America’s continuing cluelessness: “US Calls on Egypt to Respect Peace Treaty With Israel.” Hello! Has anybody in Washington noticed that Mubarak is despised precisely because he represents that so-called “peace treaty” – which is actually a declaration of war on Palestine? The cold, hard truth is that virtually nobody in the Middle East accepts the legitimacy of the GZE (genocidal Zionist entity). People from the region refer to it as al-kiyan as-sahyuni (the Zionist entity) not Israel because they…



Jerry Mazza will be my first-hour guest today on Truth Jihad Radio. Listen live, 1-3 pm Central on or catch it later in the archive. THE GOOD DR. IZZELDIN ABUELAISH by Jerry Mazza (First Heard on Democracy Now) The attack on Gaza, December 28th, ‘09, Operation Cast Lead, pre-fabricated its excuse to attack with soldiers, tanks and planes for 22 unlawful days, some 1400 Palestinians killed, more than half civilians, 300 children, only 13 Israelis to match the slaughter of the innocents. “Keep them functioning at the lowest possible level,” Israeli officials said to U.S. diplomats, and Wiki leaked…


The Next Big Jewish Idea: End Zionism!

Somebody invited me through Facebook to enter the “Next Big Jewish Idea” contest.  They want me to “win $100k to mobilize the Jewish community.” My response: Here’s a Jewish idea that’s worth a lot more than $100k: “End Zionism.”  If it flies, it wins the prize – the Nobel Peace Prize, that is. Anybody who can mobilize world Jewry to end Zionism will go down in history with King, Gandhi and the other great peacemakers.  A successful mass Jewish movement to end Zionism would also end the last vestiges of anti-Semitism, as it would showcase the positive side of the…