DHS announces: “Cyber-9/11 coming soon!” full story: http://truthjihad.com/news/?p=376 Stephen Lendman interviews me on the Progressive Radio News Hour Listen or download at: http://prn.fm/2013/01/26/progressive-radio-news-hour-kevin-barrett-012613/#axzz2JHQo5TYn A listener writes: Kevin, Absolutely super interview with Stephen Lendman. I really liked your discussion regarding the use of torture to move beyond contrived confessions to actually “reset/reformat” the minds of victims so that they believe their abusers. It deserves further attention, if it were not such a horrific subject. I also liked your explanation of the Obama administration’s need to terrify whistle-blowers in order to keep the lid on the world’s greatest criminal conspiracy. Just great…
FULL ARTICLETag: cyberwarfare
Lieberman: Iran declares cyber-war on banksters!
“Holy Joe” Lieberman explains who really runs America Joe Lieberman is a traitor not only to the Democratic Party, but to the USA. I don’t care that he bailed out on the Democrats despite getting the nod as Gore’s running mate in 2000. The real problem is that he bailed out on the USA long, long ago… (read the rest at my newly-revamped website TruthJihad.com !)