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Chavez killed for supporting 9/11 truth?

“Hasta la 9/11 truth victoria siempre!” Greg Palast says Hugo Chavez was killed by big oil interests who resented his taking a bigger cut of their profits and sharing it with the people. But another factor may also have been involved: Chavez is one of five current or former heads of state who have spoken out for 9/11 truth. And three of them have suddenly and mysteriously taken ill – or died. Fidel Castro said the official story of 9/11 was a lie…and then got very sick. Former President of Italy Francesco Cossiga told Italy’s most respected newspaper that 9/11…


Top JFK whistleblower: Lee Harvey Oswald’s girlfriend Judyth Vary Baker

Judyth Vary Baker Wed.  11/14/12, 3-5 pm Central,  American Freedom Radio  (archived here.) First hour: The 49th anniversary of the JFK coup d’état is coming up next Thursday…so who better to discuss the case with than whistleblower Judyth Vary Baker, whose book Me & Lee: How I came to know, love, and lose Lee Harvey Oswald is a must-read for anyone concerned with the truth of American history. Judyth Vary Baker, a teacher, writer, and artist, was once a promising science student who dreamed of finding a cure for cancer; this exposé is her account of how she strayed from…


Top ten reasons to vote in American presidential elections

10. You can pretend to help decide which CIA-groomed figurehead will front for the banksters during the next four years. 9. If the rigged voting machines break down, your vote might actually be counted. 8. With a bumpersticker like “Don’t blame me, I voted for Cynthia McKinney” (or your favorite 3rd party candidate) you’ll feel superior to the sheeple for the next four years. 7. Poking little holes in computer cards is good exercise for the muscles in your hands and wrists – and since you only do it every four years, you won’t get repetitive motion syndrome. 6. Voting…