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Discussing 9/11 with professor Anthony Hall

Broadcast Friday, July 11th, 10-11:00 a.m. Central (1500 GMT) on, archived here. Note: subscribers can listen to shows on-demand before they are broadcast – and also get free downloads! If you are a subscriber, just log in to the members area of and go to the “Private Blog” to get early access to the shows. This show features a conversation recorded earlier this year between me and alternative historian Anthony Hall, Professor of Globalization Studies, University of Lethbridge, along with some of Professor Hall’s students. Dr. Anthony Hall is the author of Earth Into Property: Colonization, Decolonization,…


Zionists panic, lash out at Blakeney & Press TV!

Wed.  1/2/13, 3-5 pm Central,  American Freedom Radio  (archived here.) First hour: Joshua Blakeney, an award-winning British-born Canadian scholar at the University of Lethbridge (Canada), has been consistently drawing fire from the unregistered agents of Israel who dominate the North American media. Why? Blakeney wrote his thesis on the 9/11 inside job, and makes no bones about the fact that Israel and its agents did it. Recently, the Israeli propagandists in Canadian media blasted Blakeney’s Press TV report, “Parents dispute removal of Aboriginal children,” falsely claiming that Blakeney had made certain allegations that were in fact made not by him,…