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Trump Doubles Down: America Will Be “Opened Up and Raring to Go” on April Fool’s Day

Dissociated Press After being raked over the coals for telling Americans to “pack the pews on Easter Sunday” (which falls on April 12) Donald Trump has upped the ante, calling for Americans to celebrate April Fool’s Day on  Wednesday, April 1, with “YUUUUGE gatherings of happy Fools.” “Why wait for Easter? Why not be Foolish next Wednesday?” Trump tweeted. The President is urging people to break out of self-imposed quarantine on April 1 and pack themselves tightly together in town squares, auditoriums, and stadiums in crowds of tens or even hundreds of thousands, celebrating premature victory over coronavirus by playing…


Swami Beyondanonda, Steve Bhaerman, and Vinnie Eastwood live on April Fool’s Day!

Friday 4/1 – Listen live – 8 to 10 pm Eastern on Revolution Radio:  – click on the “Studio B” button. To be rebroadcast Sunday 11 a.m. to 12:45 p.m. Eastern on  and then archived at the usual spot. Help Kevin keep these shows on the air – become a subscriber today! NOTE: AS OF TODAY, TRUTHJIHAD.COM IS UNDER CYBER-ATTACK. (HOPE TO GET IT FIXED SOON.) IF YOU WANT TO JOIN, EMAIL ME AT TRUTHJIHAD(AT)GMAIL{DOT}COM AND I’LL EXPLAIN THE WORK-AROUND. Swami B. puts the levity back in levitation First hour: Swami Beyondanonda is a purveyor of Cosmic Comic Consciousness and a practitioner of FUNdamentalism…