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Ian Henshall on 9/11 anniversary events, Joshua Blakeney on Syria

Mon.  9/9/13, 3-5 pm Central, American Freedom Radio  (archived here.) First hour: Ian Henshall, a leading British 9/11 truth organizer, is the author of 9/11 Revealed: The New Evidence, one of the best books on 9/11. We will discuss the Rethink 9/11 ad campaign, which is plastering London, New York, and other major cities with signs and billboards, and other events and issues surrounding this 12th anniversary of the 9/11 false-flag. Second hour: Joshua Blakeney is one of Canada’s most active gadfly journalists. Here are some of his recent articles and reports: Radio interview with Prof. James Fetzer on Canada’s…


Chris Emery screens “A Noble Lie” on OKC Bombing Anniversary

Filmmaker Chris Emery will be screening A Noble Lie: Oklahoma City 1995 on the 17th anniversary of the bombing – today, Thursday, April 19th – at 7 pm in 1111 Humanities at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. The Oklahoma City bombing is widely viewed (including by Emery himself) as a warm-up and dry run for 9/11.


Wellstone assassination authors Four Arrows, Jim Fetzer

Truth Jihad Radio Mon. 10/24/11, 1-3 pm Central, American Freedom Radio (archived here.) Call-in: (402) 237-2525 or post your questions to my Facebook page. Paul Wellstone, along with his wife, daughter, and campaign staffers, was murdered in an induced plane crash nine years ago this Tuesday, October 25th. The obvious suspect: Dick Cheney and his neocon warmonger mafia. (Cheney had delivered a mafiosi-style ultimatum to Wellstone the week before the murder; 69% of Minnesotans correctly blamed “Republicans” as the cause of the fatal crash.) This episode of Truth Jihad Radio offers a tribute to Wellstone, featuring both co-authors of the…

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