Tuesday, August 11th, 9-10 pm Pacific (noon – 1 pm Eastern), http://www.noliesradio.org Read Jonathan’s new essay “Space for Peace and September 11th” here. His website is http://www.flybynews.com/The show will be archived just hours after broadcast here.
FULL ARTICLEAuthor: Kevin Barrett
Space for Peace and September 11 by Jonathan Mark
Jonathan Mark is one of our best 9/11 truth activists. Below is his latest essay describing his perspective as a peace-in-space activist turned 9/11 truth-seeker. Jonathan will be my guest on Fair and Balanced this Tuesday, August 11th, noon-1 pm Eastern on NoLiesRadio.org, to be archived shortly thereafter here. Many 9/11 truth-seekers aren’t aware of the evidence that one of the primary motives of 9/11 may have been to accelerate the militarization of space–evidence explored in the section entitled “Missile Defense and a Space Pearl Harbor” of David Ray Griffin’s The New Pearl Harbor (p.96-101). Top space-war hawks Donald Rumsfeld,…
FULL ARTICLEAggression = THE Supreme War Crime: Fact, Not Opinion
“To initiate a war of aggression…is not only an international crime; it is the supreme international crime, differing only from other war crimes in that it contains within itself the accumulated evil of the whole.”-Nuremburg tribunal “You are basically saying that breaking and entering is a worse crime than rape and homicide because rape and homicide often occur after breaking and entering.”-Rob Kall, Op-Ed News For a few years now, I have been one of the targets of a psychopathic stalker named Brian Good. When Mr. Good recently slandered me on Op-Ed News, and an Op-Ed editor seemingly approved the…
FULL ARTICLETarpley Explains “Why SAUDI Hijackers?”
Webster Tarpley will be on my show tomorrow to discuss the economic crisis, and the U.S.-Saudi crisis that’s developing behind the scenes. (If Saudi Arabia drops out of the U.S.-Anglo orbit, kiss the empire goodbye.) One of the common objections to 9/11 truth is, “why SAUDI hijackers, if the plan was to invade Afghanistan and Iraq?” Back in 2005, Tarpley suggested an answer. His latest offering on the disappearance of key Saudi figure “Bandar Bush” recalls that answer. -KB From Webster Tarpley: Behind the Bandar disppearance – was Bandar trying to use Russia to balance US domination, escaping from the…
FULL ARTICLEWebster Tarpley & “Under the 8-Ball” directors on Truth Jihad Radio tomorrow
Saturday, August 8th, 5-7 p.m. on www.AmericanFreedomRadio.com (to be archived for free on-demand listening at http://www.americanfreedomradio.com/Barrett_09.html) First hour: Webster Tarpley Webster Tarpley is the author of Surviving the Cataclysm: Your Guide Through the Greatest Financial Crisis in Human History. The 1998 edition of Surviving the Cataclysm sounds like it was written yesterday — Tarpley was a decade ahead of his time. Now the brand-new 660-page 2009 edition explains the current catastrophe and how to fix it. Webster Tarpley is also the author of the 9/11 truth classic 9/11 Synthetic Terror as well as unauthorized biographies of Barack Obama and George…
FULL ARTICLETuesday, August 4th: Dr. Frank Greening
To be archived a few hours after broadcast time at http://noliesradio.org/archives/category/shows/fair-balanced During my recent hostile interview with Mike Pintek on Pittsburgh mega-station KDKA http://www.kdkaradio.com/pages/3624256.php I was asked a question I hear all the time: Why, if the WTC “collapses” were such obvious demolitions, are there so many scientists who disagree? My answer is that there aren’t. Like Diogenes with his lamp, searching the world for an honest man, I have spent several years searching for an honest, independent scientist willing to defend the Bush Administration’s account of what happened to the World Trade Center. The only person I have found…
FULL ARTICLESaturday, August 1st: Afghanistan, Lyme Disease
Archived at http://www.americanfreedomradio.com/Barrett_09.html First hour: Paul Fitzgerald and Elizabeth Gould, authors of Invisible History: Afghanistan’s Untold Story. “A serious, sobering study… illuminates a critical point of view rarely discussed by our media…results of this willful ignorance have been disastrous to our national well-being.” — Oliver Stone http://www.invisiblehistory.com/ Second hour: 9/11 truth and Lyme disease activist Randy Sykes of the Greater Hartford Lyme Disease Support and Action Group, discussing The Lyme Conspiracy. Since being diagnosed with Lyme disease two weeks ago, I have researched the subject and discovered that the CDC and medical establishment have clearly conspired to cover up the…
FULL ARTICLETuesday, July 28th: Webster Tarpley
Show archived at http://www.noliesradio.org/archives/category/shows/fair-balancedTuesday, July 28th, on Fair and Balanced: Webster Tarpley, author, Surviving the Cataclysm: Your Guide Through the Greatest Financial Crisis in Human History. The 1998 edition of Surviving the Cataclysm sounds like it was written yesterday — Tarpley was a decade ahead of his time. Now the brand-new 660-page 2009 edition explains the current catastrophe and how to fix it. Webster Tarpley is also the author of the 9/11 truth classic 9/11 Synthetic Terror as well as unauthorized biographies of Barack Obama and George H.W. Bush, and is considered by many to be among the world’s leading…
FULL ARTICLESaturday, July 25th: Mike Palacek and Richard Curtis
First hour: Mike Palecek, author & should-be winner of the Kilgore Trout Award for great under-appreciated Midwestern social-commentary novelist. Second hour: Dr. Richard Curtis, adjunct professor of philosophy at Seattle Central Community College and 9/11 truth supporter, arguing that I shouldn’t have had Kevin MacDonald on my show last week.
FULL ARTICLEJuly 24th: I’m Interviewed by Pittsburgh Mega-Station KDKA
My hour-long slugfest with host Mike Pintek was broadcast all over the East Coast. Despite Pintek’s hostility, his listeners were unanimously supportive of me and of 9/11 truth! http://www.kdkaradio.com/pages/3624256.php Feedback on my Pintek interview:http://truthjihad.blogspot.com/2009/07/listener-feedback-re-my-slugfest-with.html