Tonight’s first hour guest on Truth Jihad Radio: 5-7 pm Central, American Freedom Radio … to be archived for free listening any time here … …is Jerry Mazza of Online Journal. Jerry is a poet and journalist from New York City who eloquently sums up the state of the 9/11 truth movement in “As 9/11’s 8th Anniversary Approaches.” And: “9/11/09 – Gone with the Rain” . You may also remember his critique of Joel Hirschhorn’s “9/11 Mind Swell”. Jerry says we can talk about “Saturday’s events at St. Marx (i.e. the We Demand Transparency conference) and your discussion in particular…
FULL ARTICLEAuthor: Kevin Barrett
Jews, the Media, and 9/11 Part 2: The Left Alternative Media
When you break a taboo — for example, by saying something that is never said in polite company — the explosiveness of the reaction is a guide to just how taboo (and therefore important) the subject is. Judging by the reaction I’ve gotten, the question of whether there is a disproportionate Jewish influence in the media, and if so whether this might have some bearing on the way Middle East issues in general and 9/11 in particular are covered, must be very important. In my talk “A Muslim View of 9/11 Truth,” presented at the We Demand Transparency conference in…
FULL ARTICLESteve Alten Interview Touches a Raw Nerve
Angry listeners take to the streets after my interview with Steve Alten. Actually the listener feedback was over 80% positive. Below is a representative selection of noteworthy emails, several of which are from well-known 9/11 truth movement names. * * * Kevin, I can only imagine the mail you’re getting. Alten was rude and aggressive and put words in your mouth and then claimed to possess the right to define the meaning of the words. Steve also seems to be inspired by Ronald Reagan’s use of anecdotes. Sorry you’ve had to endure this brother. Love ya. (name deleted) * *…
FULL ARTICLEToday on F&B: Steve Alten to Kevin Barrett: Cool It on Israel!
IT’S A DOGFIGHT! STEVE ALTEN AND FIERCE FRIEND TAKES ON KEVIN BARRETT AND HIS MUSLIM DOG “RUSHDIE” Steve Alten wants me to cool it on Israel, and will tell me so today on Fair and Balanced, 9-10 a.m. Pacific (noon-1 pm Eastern) on — to be archived for free listening any time at . Steve Alten is the New York Times bestselling author of the 9/11 truth thriller The Shell Game which recently came out in a newly rewritten, updated, paperback edition. (Buy it! Pass it around!) He’s also an American Jew, a moderate supporter of Israel (who…
FULL ARTICLEKrauthammer’s right, 9/11 truth IS dangerous
Neocon pundit Charles Krauthammer has delivered a tremendous compliment to the 9/11 truth movement: “It’s beyond radicalism, beyond partisanship. It takes us into the realm of political psychosis, a malignant paranoia that, unlike the Marxist posturing, is not amusing. It’s dangerous.” (Full Krauthammer op-ed here). The truth about 9/11 is indeed dangerous, not least of all to the neoconservative propagandists like Krauthammer who could one day find themselves in the docket for covering it up. The work of Mr. Krauthammer, and the other third-rate Goebbels epigones employed by the Zionists who “have a stranglehold” on the national media and the…
FULL ARTICLELetter from Ground Zero
Hello friends, I’m in New York for the We Demand Transparency Conference, where I’ll be speaking tomorrow at noon — hope to see you there. Special low price at the door for students and the economically challenged: only $20! The amazing news is that has prevailed and is on track to have the NYC Ballot Initiative on the ballot this November. This puts the bad guys in a difficult position: How can they stop it without publicizing it? Stay tuned for updates in this astonishing battle between the forces of good and evil… My interview yesterday with the TV…
FULL ARTICLESander Hicks: On Van Jones
Might Obama’s annoyance with the Van Jones lynching have something to do with today’s release of Charlie Sheen’s amazing conversation with Obama about 9/11? [Note: this turned out to be an event that “hasn’t happened yet…”‘ i.e. a hoax.] I’ll be discussing this and related topics with 9/11 truth supporter and California Assembly candidate Peter Thottam today on Fair and Balanced. Meanwhile, here is Sander Hicks’ article “On Van Jones” WDT Producer Sander Hicks is a former Van Jones fan. He has met him, heard him speak and has read his book. Here are a few reflections on the…
FULL ARTICLESaturday, September 12th: David Ray Griffin on Truth Jihad Radio
5-7 pm Central, AmericanFreedomRadio.comTo be archived for on-demand listening at This coming Saturday 9/12/09 I will be speaking from noon to 1 pm at the We Demand Transparency event in New York…then a few hours later I’ll interview David Ray Griffin, author of The Mysterious Collapse of World Trade Center 7: Why the Final Official Report About 9/11 Is Unscientific and False. David will be the first hour guest (5-6 pm Central). My second hour guest (6-7 pm Central) will be University of Minnesota Peace Studies professor Michael Andregg, America’s premiere “critical spookologist.” Dr. Andregg has been intensively studying…
FULL ARTICLETuesday, September 8th: candidate Peter Thottam to discuss Van Jones, truth in politics on Fair and Balanced
Tuesday 9/8/2009 on Fair and Balanced, 9 – 10 a.m. Pacific (noon-1 pm Eastern) I will be discussing the Van Jones lynching and “truth in politics” with Peter Thottam. Live broadcast: Archived for on-demand listening at Peter Thottam is a candidate for California State Assembly. The founder and Executive Director of the Los Angeles National Impeachment Center, Peter has been a long-time activist in a number of progressive causes including the antiwar movement and the 9/11 truth movement. He earned an undergraduate degree from Yale and a law degree from the University of California-Berkeley, and an MBA from…
FULL ARTICLEAttack of the Mockingbirds
Imagine the nastiest attack scene in Hitchcock’s film The Birds. Then imagine that the killer birds are all mockingbirds…as in Operation Mockingbird, the CIA’s media control division. That’s what it feels like every year in early September, as official propagandists swoop down on us “conspiracy theorists” in squawking flocks, depositing their ridiculous little turds of BS (birdsh*t) in our hair and trying to peck out all eyes that believe what they see, rather than what the authorities tell them. The mockingbird attack began with the predictably awful National Geographic TV hit piece. The birds then turned their sharp little beaks…