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Splitting-the-Sky case shut down; interview with STS, Cynthia McKinney, and Anthony Hall

Catch my live interview with Splitting-the-Sky, Cynthia McKinney, and Anthony Hall coming up at 2 pm Central! (It should be archived there shortly after.) Bush League Justice in Judge Manfred Delong’s Calgary Court Anthony J. HallProfessor of GlobalizationStudiesUniversity of Lethbridge10 Marc, 2010 Judge Manfred Delong shut down the trial of Splitting The Sky versus George W. Bush on the second day of proceedings. The court denied STS his frequently emphasized request to have two witnesses give evidence in his defense. Those witnesses were myself and Cynthia McKinney.  The trial came to an end just as Ms. McKinney arrived in…


George W. Bush gets his day in court! STS vs. Bush trial goes forward

(We are hoping for a call-in update on the trial during my radio show today. And you can listen to Saturday’s interview with Splitting-the-Sky, Anthony Hall, and Joshua Blakeney here.) Judge Manfred Delong Meets Splitting the SkybyJoshua BlakeneyMedia Coordinator of Globalization StudiesUniversity of Lethbridge Today the trial of Splitting the Sky commenced. Splitting the Sky attempted a citizens’ arrest on credibly accused war criminal George W. Bush on March 17, 2009, and was arrested and jailed for doing so by police. Try as its representatives might to disguise their motivations with the kind PR spin doctoring we witnessed in the…


Dear Yukihisa Fujita, please insist on your right to respond!

My open email to Yukihisa Fujita Dear Yukihisa Fujita, I appreciate your brave work on behalf of 9/11 truth. According to the rules of American journalism, you have the right to publish a response to the Washington Post editorial that attacked you. Please insist on doing so. If the Post refuses, members of the 9/11 truth movement will inundate them with phone calls and emails until they change their minds. You may wish to consult with David Ray Griffin in crafting a response. (Email copied to DRG). The Washington Post Ombudsman is Andy Alexander. You can reach him by e-mail…


Tuesday, March 9th 9-10 a.m. Pacific (noon-1 pm Eastern) on, to be archived here a few hours later… Jonathan Elinoff of and will discuss his article “Where Your Taxes Went: For Big Banks to Buy Up Its Competition. 15 Years Ago, the Combined Assets of the 6 Biggest Banks Totaled 17% of GDP. By 2006, 55%. Now, 63%. It will soon reach somewhere around 80%.” He’ll also break the news of an upcoming peace and truth conference in Colorado featuring Richard Gage, Cindy Sheehan, Sander Hicks, many key We Are Change folks, and more. We also hope…


Ahmadinejad plugs Truth Jihad

The lackeys of Zio-American imperialism may be reading Lolita in Tehran…but President Ahmadinejad has better taste. He’s engrossed in Truth Jihad: My Epic Struggle Against the 9/11 Big Lie by Kevin Barrett, the world’s most notorious Muslim 9/11 truth author and radio host. “When I called 9/11 a big lie, I got the idea from Dr. Barrett,” the Iranian president explained. “This hilarious book rips the pants off the 9/11 conspiracy and exposes its private parts to the whole world. And besides, it is good practicing for my English.” A spokesman for the Iranian Ministry of Culture quickly interrupted and…


Splitting-the-Sky, James Petras on Truth Jihad Radio

Truth Jihad Radio Sat. 3/6/10, 5-7 pm Central, American Freedom Radio (to be archived here.) Call-in number: 512-879-3805. First hour: Splitting-the-Sky, the hero who attempted to citizens-arrest Bush last spring and was arrested himself, will join me on Saturday, March 6th, 5-6 pm Central on Truth Jihad Radio (listen at More info here. Second hour: James Petras, Bartle Professor (Emeritus) of Sociology at Binghampton University, New York.James Petras is the author of the brand-new article Mossad Comes to America: Death Squads by Invitation, “Bended Knees: Zionist Power in American Politics , and much more. He has authored more than…


James Petras: Mossad Comes to America: Death Squads by Invitation

James Petras will join me on Truth Jihad Radio this Saturday, March 6th, 6-7 pm Central (after first-hour guest Splitting-the-Sky) on  Below is his brand-new article on Israeli death squads. -KB Mossad Comes to America:  Death Squads by Invitation James Petras March 2010 The principle propaganda mouthpiece of the Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations (PMAJO), the Daily Alert (DA), has come out in full support for Israel’s practice of extra-judicial, extra-territorial assassination.             In the face of world-wide governmental condemnation (except from the Zionist-occupied White House and US Congress), the PMAJO slavishly backs any brutal murder committed by…


It’s no joke! Israel criminalizes observation of Nakba

Yesterday’s satirical post “Hamas rescinds Nakba-denial law” lampooned an outrageous double-standard: Westerners must declare their faith in the received version of the Nazi Jewish holocaust story or they may lose their jobs or reputations or even go to jail; yet they nearly all remain oblivious to the Nakba, the Palestinian holocaust, which continues today with the support of Western taxpayer dollars. My satire, unfortunately, was not as outrageous as reality. Just a few days ago, the Israeli Knesset passed a law criminalizing observation of the Nakba!  Not only have the Zionists made it illegal for anyone in Europe to doubt…


Hamas Rescinds Nakba-Denial Law

Zundel would not comment when asked whether he believed the Holocaust happened. “It’s kind of a sad situation; there’s a lot to say. I’ll certainly be careful not to offend anyone and their draconian laws,” he said.   -CBC News report on Ernst Zundel’s release after spending seven years imprisoned in three countries for posting politically-incorrect opinions on the internet Hamas Rescinds Nakba-Denial Law (Gaza City – UPI) The democratically-elected government of Palestine, Hamas, has rescinded its new law making Nakba-denial a crime, citing fears that hundreds of millions of Americans and Europeans would be deported to Palestine for trial if…


Tuesday’s guest: Stephen Lendman

Tuesday, March 2nd, 9-10 a.m. Pacific (noon-1 pm Eastern) on, to be archived here a few hours later… For some reason, writer, activist and radio host Stephen Lendman has never been on my show before! That will soon change, as we discuss his recent work on the lynching of Aafia Siddiqui, the persecution of Tariq Mehanna, the murder of Guantanamo prisoners, America’s war on Islam and the Fort Dix Five, Criminal Injustice Against the Holy Land Foundation Charity, Torture is Official Israeli Policy, and his brand-new article America’s Permanent War Agenda. Interestingly, Steve’s radio show just moved from RBN,…

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