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LIVE RADIO! Ron Unz and Jim Haslam Discuss COVID Origins; Kenaz Filan on the “Public Myth” of Donald Trump

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First hour: Ron Unz, author of Our COVID-19 Catastrophe, and Jim Haslam, author of COVID-19 Mystery Solved, are leading experts on the COVID origins issue. Unz just published an updated overview of that issue focusing on Haslam’s work. Unz writes: “The central thesis that Haslam set forth can be summarized in just a couple of sentences. Just like all the other lab-leakers, he believed that the Covid virus was bioengineered, but argued that its creation took place in an American lab rather than in Wuhan. According to him, the Chinese virologists who were so heavily demonized in the Western media from 2020 onwards had almost no role in that process and were completely innocent, even being unaware that Covid had been created.”

Unz agrees with 90% of Haslam’s work, but disagrees with his lab-leak scenario, which Unz terms “astonishing” (and not in a good way). Instead, Unz points to strong evidence that COVID-19 was released in a deliberate US bio-attack on China and Iran,  as the Supreme Leader of Iran and the top Iranian bio-defense general charged and recently-assassinated Gen. Kirilov, head of Russian bio-defense, strongly insinuated.

So…are both authors right in arguing that the “China virus” was made in America? And which scenario better explains its release? Tune in and decide.

Second hour: Donald Trump: Man or Myth? That’s my alternative title for Kenaz Filan‘s article “The Rorschach President:
What Do You See When You Look at Donald Trump?” Since Trump is being criminally sentenced today, ten days before his scheduled inauguration, this is a good time to revisit the Trumpian mythos.  I emailed Kenaz noting that his piece was “Well-observed and well-written. I would add that self-styled experts in ‘the creation and maintenance of public myth’ like Philip Zelikow (chief architect of the official 9/11 myth) know all this and are manufacturing and manipulating it, most obviously in the case of the blatantly fake ‘magic ear-nick.’” His reply:

“I’d be thrilled to be on your podcast and have marked the time off on my calendar.

It occurs to me that not only can the Left not Meme, they can’t do myths. The Kamala campaign was built around TikTok buzzwords (“Joy,” “Brat,” “Coconut”) and vapid speeches, while Trump was delivering fiery speeches and creating buzz with “they’re eating the dogs, they’re eating the cats” and “you have to go back.”

You can also see this in contemporary American filmmaking. Look at Rings of Power or the latest Star Wars slop for an example. They write by committee and focus group, and sprinkle in lots of nods to The Current Thing, but there’s no magic. That’s because Leftism fears the exceptional and privileges the mediocre.

Thanks for having me on and looking forward to speaking with you then!”

One Thought to “LIVE RADIO! Ron Unz and Jim Haslam Discuss COVID Origins; Kenaz Filan on the “Public Myth” of Donald Trump”

  1. ChatGPT tells us:
    Gordon Duff, a senior editor at Veterans Today, first published an article suggesting that Dr. Ralph Baric, a prominent virologist known for his work on coronaviruses, was involved in the development and patenting of COVID-19 in Veterans Today on March 30, 2020. In the article, Duff made several claims that linked Baric’s research on coronaviruses, including gain-of-function research, to the origins of COVID-19. He also suggested that Baric may have had a role in the creation of the virus, specifically by implying a connection to patent filings.

    Duff’s claims have been widely criticized, as they rely on conspiracy theories that have been debunked by scientific experts.

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