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LIVE RADIO: Dr. Syed Haider on “Transgender Ideologies Are Child Abuse”; Adam Green on Rabbis & Abrahamic Conspiracy

‘Listen live Fridays 8 to 10 Eastern on Revolution.Radio later archived at

First hour: Dr. Syed Haider sent me a press release that begins:

“Transsexual and homosexual curriculum in today’s modern school system has become a concern for parents across the nation. It’s easy for anyone to view TikTok videos of teachers who openly admit to promoting their “queer agenda” on underage students.

The UCLA Williams Institute released a study based on data from the CDC which conducted 2 surveys from 2017 to 2020.  The study found that nearly half of those who identify as transgender were between the ages of 13 and 24.

What’s even more alarming, the researchers found that the number of transgender youths nearly doubled since the first survey was taken in 2017, while the number of US adults who identified as transgender remained steady over that same time.

Dr. Haider offers a hard stance on this issue, based on the old adage, “Hear no evil, see no evil, speak no evil.”  Dr. Haider advises parents that “It is our job to keep our children’s minds pure.”  He adds “Public Schools are no longer safe for children. They have stopped teaching reading, writing and math.  Instead, they are being presented with bizarre abstract thoughts about gender and their bodies.”

Why is there such a push in today’s public schools to teach children about transgenderism and homosexuality? The argument from trans advocates is that trans people are at risk from bullying and suicide and by normalizing gender dysphoria, transsexuals will feel more accepted.

Dr. Haider asserts the opposite is true and that by encouraging children to take on transgender lifestyles we are now exposing them to these harms.  “It’s like the teachers are planting an evil seed inside a child’s brain and then giving it all the right circumstances to grow into a poisonous plant.”

He reveals that normalizing gender dysphoria will only expose them to the depression and suicide that run abnormally high in the transexual community. Subjecting children to physical surgeries and hormone therapies can have detrimental and irreversible consequences while often increasing risks of suicide and depression.  …”

Dr. Syed Haider has over 10 years of experience as an internal medicine trained hospital doctor. Since December 2020, he has treated thousands of COVID-19 patients around the country by providing easy online access to off-label prescriptions. After realizing that our country has offshored almost all prescription drug manufacturing to unfriendly nations like China, he launched his latest initiative at, providing “prepper antibiotics” and chronic med refills to store in case of emergencies like anthrax or plague bioterror attacks, natural disasters, supply chain breakdowns or just to have on hand for off-grid living and travel. 

Second hour: Adam Green of KnowMoreNews discusses the video “Rabbis Explain the Abrahamic Judeo Takeover Conspiracy.” I think Adam paints with a way-too-broad brush and his analysis lacks nuance and balance. But he’s right to identify “Jewish” messianic millenarian madness, chosenness, and “Jewish power” as real problems. For a good historical analysis see Guyenot’s From Yahweh to Zion.

Some rabbinical quotes from Adam’s film:

“Maybe you shouldn’t tell anybody that I said this, but you know all those tropes about Jews controlling the world or at least wanting to control the world.They’re actually true. Our goal as Jewish people for the last 3300 years, since the revelation at Sinai, has been to control the world.”

“We will rebuild the Third Temple. We will do animal sacrifices again. And God will give us the whole of of Israel all the way up to the Euphrates River and down to the Nile River. We’ll have the greater Israel that we’ve always dreamed of, and we won’t have to believe in Jesus to get it. That’s what you guys are— Maybe you’ll be alive. Hopefully you’ll be alive to see it. But that’s the truth.”

And it isn’t just rabbis:

Donald Trump:  “Israel literally owned Congress. You understand that? Ten years ago, 15 years ago. And it was so powerful. It was so powerful. I’ll tell you, the evangelical Christians love Israel more than the Jews in this country. It used to be that Israel had absolute power over Congress. But I think you know exactly what I’m saying. They had such power. Israel had such power, and rightfully, over Congress.”

Alan Dershowitz: “People say Jews are too powerful, we’re too strong, we’re too rich. We control the media. We have too much this, we have too much that. And we often apologetically deny our strength and our power. Don’t do that. Don’t do that. We have earned the right to influence public debate. We have earned the right to be heard. We have contributed disproportionately to the success of this country. Never, ever apologize for using our strength and our influence in the interests of peace.”

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