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First hour: Wisconsin lumberjack and author Homer Van Meter recently published Living in Rome: A 9/11 Story. Though thinly-disguised autobiography, it reads like a novel and packs a powerful punch. If Hemingway had been around to predict 9/11 a few days before it happened while on a moose hunting trip, then survive a near-lethal attack triggered by his truth-telling, he might have written something like this.
Homer describes himself as “a longtime researcher, investigator, and sometime archaeologist seeking the objective truth about the past and how it relates to the present day human experience. He lives near Rhinelander, Wisconsin, with his wife and three dogs.”
Second hour: Another Wisconsin original, Rolf Lindgren, debates conspiracy filmmaker John Hankey on the 2020 presidential elections. Will Wisconsin “swing” to Trump and help keep the orange archfiend in the White House? It will if Rolf can help it! A former Libertarian activist, Rolf now works with the Wisconsin Republican Party on the Trump for President campaign.
As for John Hankey, he has little use for Trump, having gone so far as to accuse our fearless leader of signing off on the COVID-19 strike on China and Iran and then getting vaccinated in November at Bethesda Naval Hospital. Yet from Hankey’s perspective Trump is a lesser evil compared to other Republicans. Hankey writes: