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Discussing “Deal of the Century” with J. Michael Springmann on Press TV; then explaining impeachment to Radio Islam

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Had I been in the room with Trump, Netanyahu, and that truckload of applauding sycophants bussed in from the Israeli Embassy, and had been forced to sit down in the front row and listen to Trump-and-Bibi’s “Deal of the Century” bullshit, I could easily have suicide-bombed the whole place without needing an explosive vest—since just listening to the live feed made me so angry I almost went up in a 100 megaton fireball while merely sitting at my desk ; – )

But seriously, folks, we have a serious problem with evil in high places. Today’s show features my Press TV interview with Mike Springmann after the Deal of the Century unveiling, followed by my attempt to explain the impeachment circus to Channel Islam out of Durban, South Africa.

One Thought to “Discussing “Deal of the Century” with J. Michael Springmann on Press TV; then explaining impeachment to Radio Islam”

  1. Amin Abdullah

    “You’ve lost. Get over it !!!. As for peace, honor and treaties…yeah sure, go ask the american indians about how much we value all that, just as much as the fart of snake.”

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