The two worst terrorist-supporting dictatorships in the Arab world—the al-Sisi regime in Egypt and the Bin Salman regime in Riyad—have simultaneously shot themselves in the foot. Within a few days, both regimes madly lashed out at human rights activists, revealing the psychological instability of the two dictators and the tenuousness of their hold on power, while further undermining their own legitimacy.
On Monday the Saudis, led by the unstable egomaniac Bin Salman, committed one of the most outrageous public relations blunders in history by tweeting a threat to launch a 9/11 style attack against Canada. What did Canada do to deserve such a fate? It had “expressed concern” about Saudi abuse of human rights activists including Samar Badawi, who was recently arrested for—among other crimes—helping Saudi women get the right to drive.
And you thought Donald Trump was thin-skinned and oversensitive to criticism! Compared to Bin Salman, Trump appears a paragon of mental health. (Maybe that’s because Trump’s drug habit is junk food and caffeinated soft drinks…while Bin Salman, according to well-placed sources, is addicted to designer amphetamines.)
Meanwhile, in Israeli-occupied Egypt, military dictator al-Sisi’s increasingly shaky regime has kidnapped two brothers of human rights activist Ghada Naguib, wife of television host Hesham Abdalla. This Sunday night around 9 pm, 27-year-old Yusuf Mohamed Naguib, who has two young children, was abducted from his home at gunpoint by unidentified men with machine guns. Then on Monday at 2 a.m. the same thing happened to 17-year-old Islam Mohamed Naguib.
Ghada Naguib’s two brothers have been charged with unspecified “crimes” that translate from the Arabic bureaucratese as “undermining the regime.” But their real “crime” is being related to Ghada Naguib, whose “crime” is being married to Hesham Abdalla. While Naguib and her husband Abdulla live outside Egypt, beyond the reach of al-Sisi’s goons, Naguib’s two young brothers reside inside the country.
So why is al-Sisi’s regime punishing Hesham Abdalla by arresting and brutalizing his wife’s young brothers? What have they got against Abdalla?
Ghada Naguib says she learned the answer straight from the authorities. They all but admitted to her that the arrests are retaliation for Abdalla’s recent television episode discussing the likelihood that al-Sisi is Jewish, the son of a Moroccan Jewish woman from a powerful Zionist family that now resides in Israel. Abdalla quoted and interviewed me in the broadcast (my English-language contribution begins at 17:17) as an American journalist who has written and spoken about the likelihood that al-Sisi is an Israeli sleeper agent.
Abdalla gets one important fact wrong: He claims I am Jewish. In reality, though my mother does say she suspects her great-grandmother might have been Jewish, I am of Irish-Welsh-Scottish-German (mostly Christian) ancestry, grew up as a lapsed Unitarian, and converted to Islam in 1993.
For more information on Ghada Naguib’s viewpoint on the arrests of her brothers, see this entry on her Facebook page. Also check out Al-Jazeera’s coverage of the affair, which is helping propel the story into the Arab media limelight:
Why would the al-Sisi regime, like the Bin Salman regime, overreact in such an extreme way? Why did they respond to Abdalla’s broadcast by arresting two innocent men who did nothing beyond being related to the wife of the broadcaster?
Al-Sisi is apparently hypersensitive about his Jewish origins and Zionist connections. And no wonder. The vast majority of the Egyptian people, unlike a certain treasonous segment of the country’s elite, are not eager to live under perpetual Zionist occupation by the region’s worst domestic human rights abuser. Even mainstream Egyptian political figures like ex-diplomat Masoum Marzouk are now calling for a referendum on al-Sisi’s rule—a proposal that, if it materializes, will likely bring the regime down. And if al-Sisi rejects the referendum proposal, the same forces that produced the stillborn 2011 Egyptian revolution have vowed to return to Tahrir Square and finish the job.
Al-Sisi’s Egypt, like Bin Salman’s “Saudi” Arabia, are morally and fiscally bankrupt—and Zionist occupied, as they all but admitted by posing as supervillains grasping an NWO globe with Kosher Nostra front man Trump.
Will the two bloodiest Zionist-occupied Arab regimes finally collapse? The real question is not if, but when.