Broadcast live Friday June 29 8 to 10 pm Eastern on Revolution.Radio
Both hours: Canadian journalist Karin Brothers notes that we are approaching the 13th anniversary of the 7/7/2005 false flag London bombings. Her draft notes detailing the British authorities’ appalling mass murder and coverup are appended below. (Projected 2nd hour guest Ralph Rodehag couldn’t make it.)

Draft Notes on London bombings of July 7, 2005 by Karin Brothers
Significance of the London bombings of July 7th, 2005: War on terror became war on Islam: now, respected Muslim neighbors might murder in the name of Islam. The perception that all Muslims were potential terrorists boosted surveillance, and eliminated civil liberties.
London bombing events focused on “suicide bombers”, which at that time were largely connected in people’s perception to Palestinians. The events included:
I. Thurs. July 7th bombings of multiple subways and busses
II. July 21 attempted “suicide bombings” of 3 subways and a bus
III. July 22 “accidental” public killing of a “suspected suicide bomber”
IV: Sept. 1, 2005 video of one of the accused men in a kifiyeh-like scarf with al Q clip and on July 6, 2006 similar video of another accused with “terrorist” clip
The MI5 used the name “Stepford” to refer to this case, an apparent reference to the compliance of the women in the film “Stepford wives”. Steve Watson wondered why the MI5 referred to the accused men as the “Stepford four” if they were unfamiliar with them.
The most important point to understand in this story is that there were no “suicide bombers” and there was no “accidental” killing: there were five state murders of innocent men.
- The July 7, 2005 London bombings
The background to July 7, 2005:
Prime Minister Tony Blair “in crisis” with “anti-terror” legislation, such as biometric ID (He had low ratings and a million-pound “war chest” was being collected to fight him)
strange fear-mongering news items on terrorism
emergency preparedness operations in London with media associated
Britain in news with Olympic announcement and G8 in Scotland to start 7/7
On Thursday, July 7th the London morning rush hour was in chaos at 9 am:
- confusing reports of “power surge” and possible explosions on 6 subways and 3 busses around 9 am; with one bus bombing report at 9:47
- police shut down cell phone system for at least 1 hour in center of London from 9 am on
- London Transport called it an emergency situation at 9:20 am
- One news report around 10:30 claimed that police marksmen killed 1-4 “suicide bombers” in the area around Canary Wharf
- Although the crisis was in the center of London, many injured and dying commuters waited several hours for medical help; 52 commuters died that day and 700 were injured, half seriously;
- Peter Powers of Visor Consultants went on radio and TV to note the coincidence that the bombs went off at the same time and places as his “emerg. prep. operation” that day;
- Police conference “could not confirm” that “suicide bombers” had caused the problems with the explosions, which they finally noted were on 3 subways and one bus. (At Aldgate, Edgware Rd, Picadilly and the No. 30 bus)
- Prime Minister Tony Blair claimed that al Qaeda was responsible for the mayhem (although a claim of responsibility led to Austin, Texas)
Tony Blair, immediately buoyed by public support,
rejected the demand for an investigation, claiming it was a waste of time and money and an insult to their intelligence services.
He blamed the evil ideology of Islam.
He wanted to criminalize any support of “martyrdom”, including those who would justify such acts in any way.
There were early signs of links to Israel:
Scotland Yard thoughtfully warned the Israeli embassy 6 minutes before the bombings; Netanyahu had been due to speak near one of them, so he stayed in his hotel room;
ex-Mossad chief Efraim Halevi had an article in the July 7th Jerusalem Post that referred to the “simultaneous” London bombs (unknown to police then) and that the operation was “almost perfect” — revealing stunning foreknowledge of the plans; a time embargo on the article had clearly been ignored;
On July 8th, newspapers had extensive coverage linking UK with Israeli victims of “suicide bombers” / “discovery” of slick DIY bus bombing video “from the West Bank”
Other information soon came out:
- French experts noted that the bombs were extremely sophisticated — specifically not home made. An unusual type of the US military C4
- trances of C4 were identified at all bombing sites
- an ex-CIA agent noted that there were unexploded bombs and that the remains of timing detonators — precluding “suicide bombers” — had been identified at the sites;
- Eyewitnesses noted that subway bombs had exploded under the train carriages, not in the carriages; some noted that no one had been standing where the explosions came from. Eyewitnesses on the No. 30 bus claimed bombs came from under the seats.
London Transport quickly sent the bombed cars out of the country for scrap without photographing them or noting where the damage had been. There were no autopsies on the commuters who had died, or records taken of the injuries that had been sustained. (a later investigation indicated largely leg injuries, consistent with bombs under the floors).
On Monday, July 11, the charade began to find the culprits, when reportedly 800 detectives met to observe 5,000 CCTV tapes in the hopes of spotting people who might have entered one station with a bag and exited another station without one. A mission impossible expected to just take a couple of weeks.
Due to “lucky breaks”, detectives spotted 4-5 men at Luton station who they described as “Asians” — code for men of Pakistani descent — en route to London that morning. Due to another “lucky break”, they were able to name them because of one of the 115,000 Missing person phone calls: a call by a mother of Hasib Hussain. Three of the other men were then named as “Mohammed Sidique Khan, 30, and Shezad Tanweer, 22. The name of the fourth, another man of Pakistani descent, was found to be incorrect. His brother was quickly arrested but released a week later without charges…
These identifications were supposedly quickly confirmed by:
- police locating a parked car in Luton’s parking lot connected to the “suicide bombers” with explosives in the trunk and
- an “explosives=filled” bathtub at Alexandra Grove in Leeds connected to the men
- { the “sophisticated” military bombs suddenly became crude and “homemade” with some hydrogen-peroxide base. Sometime later, the identification of the explosive in the car and bathtub was quietly withdrawn, and as of 2006, unidentified!]
- police claimed that the 3 men’s identification papers were found “by their seats”
- police claimed the men were “clean skins” with no record: [a claim quickly refuted by Nicholas Sarkozy, who reminded them that they did know Khan and Tanweer]:
- police further claimed that they had both CCTV and eyewitness proof that the men had taken Luton’s 7:40 or 7:48 am commuter train into London on July 7th, which got them into King’s Cross just in time to take the exploding trains.
Meanwhile, there were some strange problems:
- Police noted on July 13th that they didn’t know if they would find all of the bodies of the suspected suicide bombers!
- the BBC reported on July 14 that police had not been able to find Khan s body at the Edgware Rd. site, where he had supposedly set off his explosives;
- On July 14th — the day after his wife Samantha Lewthwaite reported him missing — police announced that the other bomber had been Germaine “Jamal” Lindsay, a Muslim convert. Police had taken his ID from his home, which they then “found”. A Jamican body builder, he did not resemble the police claim that all of the suspects looked “Asian”
- in fact, police had known that Lindsay was missing. They had moved his car in Luton on July 7th to an inaccessible lot. Newspapers would report a major police effort on July 8th to find him; neighbors reported seeing him pack his car after the bombings and driving off. Police had to wait until naming him — first called the “fifth” bomber — because it would have been embarrassing if he turned up alive. He must have remained missing for some time, because police reportedly stayed with his widow, Samantha Lewthwaite for a year after that…
It was probably not a coincidence that the dead were not being identified: While Spanish police had been able to identify 200 people killed in the 2004 Madrid bombing in one day, it would take almost 2 weeks (7/19) before British police identified only 52.
It became evident that the men accused as “suicide bombers” did not expect to die: they all had return commuter tickets and had paid for their parking that day.
In fact, none of the accused “suicide bombers” had any motive for this — they had good lives and futures. The choice of these respected men had to have been part of the agenda for this operation: if one couldn’t trust people like these, who could one trust?
The acceptance that these men had been “suicide bombers” was itself racist: if white Christian men like them had been accused of being “suicide bombers” they would have been ridiculed: Not one of these men’s family or friends believed that their involvement in bombings was possible.
Mohammed Sidique Khan, was western oriented and called himself “Sid”
accomplished teacher, featured in a major newspaper education section
Long-time friend of his Member of Parliament;
mother in law feted by Queen Eliz. for outstanding community work
community leader; love match with wife; second child due (miscarried on 7/7)
patriotic, significant evidence of his connection to MI5 (known to protect him)
family demand for second, independent autopsy ignored
Shezad Tanweer, 22
recent university graduate looking for sports-related job
patriotic, connections with Khan included MI5 work;
affluent, loved sports
just paid a big car bill on his red Mercedes
Hasib Hussain, 18
recently engaged
about to enter university; high test results came back on July 8th
apolitical; focused on girls and cars;
family: he will be vindicated when more info comes out;
Germaine “Jamal” Lindsay:
beloved by family as a peaceful person, never in trouble
second child arrived days after 7/7
family in disbelief until police made (phony) DNA claim
Soon, more information emerged that made the accusations that the accused were “suicide bombers” even more unbelievable:
Their ID was not just “at their seats” id of the 3 men had been scattered throughout the sites, as if police didn’t know which place to put the accused, so they hedged their bets; the (undamaged) ID cards of all three, for example, were found on the bus;
The police were refusing to show any CCTV footage that showed them in London that day; one supposed “test run” from days earlier looked photo shopped;
The bombshell: Luton commuters explained the lack of CCTV evidence: the commuter trains had not been running on July 7th at the times the police claimed they had “CCTV and eyewitness” proof.) If the accused had tried to use those trains, they could not have reached King’s Cross in time to be in any of the exploding trains! One year later, the UK government officially acknowledged that train problem. If the trains had operated on time, it would have been difficult to disprove the accusations against them.
Suddenly the bizarre story of police marksmen killing “suicide bombers’ made sense. Activist John Hill, using the name Mu’ad Dib, spotted the connection. The accused would have arrived at King’s Cross around 9 am in the middle of the chaos and must have realized that they had been set up to be on trains that exploded. They must have been part of Visor Consultants’ emergency planning operation; there had apparently been call outs for Muslims to be part of some of these operations. Their cell phones were not working, so if they had become separated from Hasib Hussain, they could not have warned him. If they thought that the “security” people had been setting them up, their only option was to reach media outlets at Canary Wharf, which was about an hour away.
If Jermaine Lindsay had been with them, he would have known to take the SIM card out of his cell phone, which could have become a GPS locator for marksmen. This must have saved him, because police realized that he had escaped when they moved his car that day.
There was only one broadcast about the marksmen killing “suicide bombers” on the morning of July 7th which was never repeated, but miraculously, two newspapers reported this with unique eyewitness stories: Toronto’s Globe and Mail and the New Zealand Herald, which reported that those in offices overlooking the killings were instructed to stay away from windows for the next six hours.
What happened that day should have been caught on the hundreds of CCTV cameras throughout the London Transport system. It turned out that the CCTVs — all run by Verint, a subsidiary of the Israeli Converse company — were not working until after all of the explosions were over. None of the 75 cameras at King’s Cross, none of the 4 cameras on the No 30 bus that exploded — none at any of the subway stations that experienced explosions — and none along the route that Hasib Hussain might have taken before the No. 30 bus that he was supposed to be on, exploded. In short, no one actually knows what happened to any of these men.
And no one knew what happened on the bus, whether Hussain was on it or not when it exploded. His body was claimed to be under a blue blanket at the scene, but no one knew who put it there, how he was identified, or if it was, in fact him. The bus body count changed from 2 to over a dozen without explanation; were other 7/7 fatalities added there?
The families of the accused were never allowed to identify the bodies: they never saw the bodies at all. At the end of August, police claimed that they were keeping the bodies to “reconstruct” where they would have been at the blast sites. When Tanweer’s and Hussian were buried, security personnel guarded their remains for days — In Tanweer’s case, the security people traveled to Pakistan and guarded his burial site for days.
In 2010, the Hallett inquiry raised more questions than it answered, documenting many subway explosions and the lack of forensic evidence,
It was to answer other questions, such as how police actually identified Sid Khan, and Shezad Tanweer. Testimony included the facts that:
The body counts at Edgware and Aldgate, where Khan and Tanweer were supposed to have died — were initially one short – missing the body of the “suicide bomber”
Some hours later, those two counts were increased by 1; presumably after they were killed.
Lindsay’s Picadilly counts were not provided and no evidence of his body was presented.
Khan’s and Tanweer’s bodies had been totally destroyed; only chunks of flesh were presented to the forensic scientists who were asked to “confirmed” their identity:
Part of a corpse without head, hands, or even teeth, that supposedly belonged to Khan was “found” at 6 am on July 8th; the scientist did not have Khan’s DNA to confirm its identity; It was ironic that Khan’s ID papers had been intact.
On Sat. July 9th, only a 1.8 kg spinal fragment was found of Tanweer, there was no indication of how police had identified him; police had identified him publicly before any forensic work had been done. Not only had Tanweer’s id come through intact, those supposedly standing next to him survived, one with just minor injuries.
These were unlike any other bodies from the subway explosions.
The Hallett inquiry concluded by blaming the “suicide bombers” for the 52 dead, no incompetence of the “security personnel” nor on the hours it may have taken for their medical attention. The families of the accused were not allowed to take any part in this hearing (such as asking questions) and were not allowed their own hearing.
The initial official reports on the London bombings claimed that the accused “acted alone” and wanted to martyr themselves for Islam; they recommended higher security budgets.
The results of the July 7th London bombings were a mushrooming of the “security” budgets and operations, and such abuse of the Muslim community that 2/3 considered leaving Britain.
- the July 21, 2005 attempted “copycat” bombings
Two weeks after the bombings — on Thursday, July 21st, there were four noontime attempted “suicide bombings” on London transportation followed by the killing the next morning of a suspected “suicide bomber” in a Stockwell Rd. subway.
These four would-be suicide bombers — all Muslims from Africa — went into 3 subways and a bus around noon and tried to detonate their hydrogen-peroxide bombs, made with chapati flour. The detonators sounded like champagne corks popping, with chapati dough oozing out. The hydrogen-peroxide recipe was virtually unique, similar to the supposed explosives identified at the car and bathtub of the earlier sites: a recipe apparently known only to UK scientists!
Only one of the four would-be bombers escaped an immediate police roundup — police had expected this event — Hussein Osman, an Ethiopian, somehow reached Italy, where Italian press claimed that the bombs had been composed of ingredients such as hand lotion. The four men had been subjected to horrific, “secret” films reportedly showing what UK soldiers were doing to Iraqi civilians.
III. The execution of Jean Charles de Menezes
The next morning, police claimed that they had killed a suspected suicide bomber in a Stockwell subway; they had chased a man into a subway whose aptmt they had been staking out, who was wearing a puffy jacket with wires hanging out; when he threatened them, they had been forced to kill him. Their killing of a Brazilian electrician, Jean Charles de Menezes, had been an unfortunate accident, the result of numerous slip-ups. The officer in charge, Cressida Dick and her associates were soon promoted.
The truth that came out over the course of inquiries over the next few years showed that this was a targeted killing by members of an elite regiment, the (SRR) Special Reconnaissance Regiment that reported to the Prime Minister and was used in false flag operations. The head of the police, Ian Blair, had met with Prime Minister Tony Blair the day before the killing to ensure legal protection for the killers, and that the IPCC — the legally mandated body that investigates crimes — would be barred from the site of the murder. The IPCC would also be prevented from receiving police notes.
The killing was extraordinary:
Police were supposedly trying to question an Abdi Omar, a Somali acquaintance of Osmans who lived at 21 Scotia Road;
- The elite surveillance was connected to “DSO” Cressida Dick, who showed interest only in De Menezes, who was identified immediately as a “North European”;
- Dick activated 2 units to follow Jean Charles de Menezes, one on foot the other by car, as he traveled by foot and on 2 busses for 30 minutes to reach Stockwell station;
- the subway car had been parked for 5-6 minutes before the execution;
- De Menezes strolled into the station, picked up a paper and chatted on his cell phone before entering the subway car;
- Plaincloths police soon entered the car, when a seated police agent called “There he is”, pointing to De M, who looked up, questioning;
- Police pinned De M. on the floor and starting shooting him in the back; according to a witness, 11 shots at 3 second intervals;
- the 17 witnesses thought the men were rowdies, and fled; the driver ran over live wires and into the path of other subways to get away;
- The coroner was told public falsehood about chasing “bomber”; police took De M’s cell;
- Police then attacked Abdi Omar’s family at another address; he had been out of town;
- Police story then changed from needing to question Omar to needing to kill Osman;
- Killers met with lawyer to coordinate stories; at the 2008 inquiry, in which 50 were identify -protected, they admitted that they had destroyed evidence and they continually perjured themselves. None would be charged.
Jean Charles de Menezes had been a freelance electrician and no one knew what his recent jobs had been. Could he have been connected to the July 7th “power surge”? It was clear that the public killing was a warning to those with whom De Menezes might have shared some information or suspicions. The Guardian reported in December 2008 that de Menezes’ friends were “terrified”; the confiscation of de Menezes’ cell phone at his death would have allowed police to identify them.
In the inquests that followed, police claimed that their elite agents could not tell the difference between De Menezes’ face from that of the African(s) they were supposedly after. The 2008 inquest was the first in which witnesses were able to testify. The police had not been chasing De Menezes, they had been waiting for him at Stockwell station. All 17 eyewitnesses said that police lied about warning De Menezes. Coroner Michael Wright, who presided over the court, tried to ensure that jurors would not embarrass police by:
informing jurors that they would not be permitted to return a verdict of unlawful killing by police;
warning the jurors that they were not to attach criminal or civil fault to individuals, such as DSO (leader in charge) Cressida Dick, who was responsible for the operation;
giving the jury secret advice;
Suggesting that police perjury might have been committed for selfless motives.
Police were pleasantly surprised when jurors obediently returned an “open” verdict.
On Nov. 23, 2009 the De Menezes family settled for 300,000 pounds (low because of their poverty) but pursued the case to the EU Human Rights Court. In 2016, 13 judges supported (with 4 dissenting) the legitimacy of the British courts’ handling of De Menezes’ murder.
- the mysterious videos of Sid Khan and Shezad Tanweer with phoney “kifiyehs”
On September 1, the first video appeared showing Sid Khan in a strange get-up with a kifiyeh-like scarf used as a bandana around his head. Friends noticed that the footage would have been taken the previous year, in which he and Tanweer had been taped by police. Although he makes no mention of any terrorist event, an al Qaeda clip had been added to the tape. It appeared to be a PR prop used to suggest Palestinian suicide tapes.
Only a portion of the tape was shown, but in much of that, Khan’s lips don’t match his words. The video was used to “prove” a motive for Khan’s supposed terrorist action.
A strikingly similar tape featuring Tanweer was released at the anniversary of the July 7 bombings, on July 6, 2006. He is wearing the identical “kifiyeh” as a bandana, with the same rug as a backdrop, and speaks with the same hand motions holding a pen as Khan. There is an al Qaeda clip inserted along with amateur footage meant to look ominous. Only a portion of this tape was shown
Conclusion: the betrayal of public interest
By: Government/”security” service/ police /courts betrayal of public:
The betrayal of Sid Khan, Shezad Tanweer, Hasib Hussain and “Jamal” Lindsay
Prime Minister Tony Blair’s involvement in the cover-up and probably the murder of Jean Charles de Menezes implies his deeper involvement in the London bombings plots
The 7/7 operation appeared to be organized from 2001 when Bob Kiley, former CIA head of operations appointed to head London Transport; 2004 choice of Verint CCTV, subsidiary of Israeli Converse company, advertised real-time actionable intelligence; Kiley resigns not long after 7/7
Kiley had links to Rudi Giuliani’s new “crisis consultant” company, which in turn had links to Visor Consultants’ emergency preparedness operation
MI5 seemed to be working through Haroon Rachid Aswat, who was supposed to be in telephone contact with Khan until he left UK around 7/7; he seemed to be untouchable by international law enforcement and was not even “wanted for questioning” for the London bombings;
Aswat was connected to the UK’s al Qaeda organizations (the Finsbury mosque and al Mouhajiroun) which worked with MI6 to recruit Muslims for Kosovo conflict.
Courts protected police from charges of murder, perjury and destruction of evidence
By Media: Not challenging “suicide bomber” or “mistaken” De Menezes death
Hope for future: Tony Farrell’s courageous witness
Speak out: correct those who refer to the London Bombings as “suicide bombings”;
Speak out: recogn. Islamophobia as an intentional part of the “war on terror” agenda
References to my articles:
The July 7th London Bombings (Updated)
The Hallett Inquest into the July 7, 2005 London Bombings
The 7/7 London Bombings and MI5’s “Stepford Four” Operation: How the 2005 London Bombings Turned every Muslim into a “Terror Suspect”
The Nairobi Mall Attack: Who is the “White Widow”? Why is She being Targeted?
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