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Paris “Charlie Hebdo” attack”: another Zionist false flag?

Just one month ago, France set off a stampede when its lower house voted to recognize Palestine. Now Palestine is in the International Criminal Court, poised to take down Israel for genocide.

Suddenly “Islamic terror strikes France.” Is Paris being punished for its pro-Palestine vote?

In late 2013, Malaysia’s Kuala Lumpur Tribunal found Israel guilty of genocide. A few months later, Malaysian planes started falling out of the sky.

In 2011, Norway’s Labor Party’s youth wing was poised to impose a complete blockade on Israel. Suddenly the entire leadership of the Party’s youth wing was slaughtered in a professional operation falsely attributed to a lone nut, Anders Breivik.

NoLiesRadio produce Allan Rees writes:

They had a camera well placed beforehand to film the attack.
They spoke perfect French
Killed with military precision.
Dressed in military style.
Killed from a target list.
Got away clean.
French President shows up afterwards and then convenes emergency meeting on what measures to enact.
Multiple shooters.

Could this be false flag from French Intel Agency?
Others are calling it a likely false flag here and here.
So far, it walks like one, it talks like one, and it perpetuates the 9/11 false-flag narrative about “radical Islam” like one.
So I’m calling it a false flag until proven otherwise.

PS: Running updates:

Zionists are already trying to use this event to stop the surging Alain Soral / Dieudonné movement:

Terrorist dropped his ID at the scene of the crime?!  Give me a break!!!!!!

Zionist propaganda rolled out on cue

Mossad attacks Paris?

64 Thoughts to “Paris “Charlie Hebdo” attack”: another Zionist false flag?”

  1. Anonymous

    They got away ? Sounds like a professional "hit". There is/are elite private companies(formerly "Blackwater") that I am sure would nuke a city if the $ was right. I wonder who they work for sometimes. Sadist Bibi did warn about a "grave mistake" about Palestine. Only a confession by Mossad will prove me wrong on this one.

  2. They had a camera well placed beforehand to film the attack.
    They spoke perfect French
    Killed with military precision.
    Dressed in military style.
    Killed from a target list.
    Got away clean.
    French President shows up afterwards and then convenes emergency meeting on what measures to enact.
    Multiple shooters.

    I agree with all these. Once more, many questions.

  3. Anonymous

    fone directory is showing
    Charlie Hebdo 's location
    a) 10 r Nicolas Appert, 75011 Paris
    b) 26 r Serpollet, 75020 Paris
    why 2 locations??
    can't relate "the execution" of a police officer shown on Internet to location a),
    check out locations on Google Streetviewer

  4. Anonymous

    France should declare all Israeli diplomats persona non grata with 24 hours to leave the country. If Israel continues false flag murders, their nationals dual or otherwise should be banned from commerce, tourism, academia- you name it. That is what a real government does when an International criminal state gets out of control, unlike the US and UK. Further steps short of war are abundantly available, but the war option must also be both credible and deliverable.

  5. Marie

    I was wondering how they got their "Je suis Charlie" signs printed up and distributed so fast. Now they've identified the suspects – already?!

  6. Anonymous

    Mossad acting in France.

  7. Anonymous

    Downtown Paris and zero traffic; that was the first thing that struck me when I watched the video.

  8. Anonymous

    Exactly the First thing I thought when I heard. Mossad Influenced or direct involvement. Thank you for the Rundown list of obvious observations. I saw them, felt them, but was not able to put them down quite as plain and simple as you did Mr. Barrett. I agree. Until proven otherwise, history points directly to the party mentioned.

  9. Anonymous

    Some people are so stupid that they wait for more evidence to come in before accusing the CIA and Mossad for anything. Well not me. Yesterday a dog got run over in the city by a black car with tinted windows. Witnesses say the vehicle continued on its journey at the same speed – some would say with "military precision". That day the local council was preparing to vote on relaxing dog leashing laws and relaxing the current requirements for sub-dermal chipping. One man who wished to remain anonymous mentioned he was at the gas station the day before the incident and witnessed a man with an American accent paying for fuel. He drove a black car with tinted windows. I've already reached my conclusion. Be alert!

  10. Amen to that. But not because of hate but because of love. Love of peace, justice and prosperity.

    The ordinary men, women, children, animals and plants of the world deserve better than what has so far transpired through the machinations of the satanist psychopaths in positions of power.

  11. Anonymous

    You hit the nail on the head! Too bad we'll never find out who pad for them, who distributed them, and how "who" found out where to congregate to get them and demonstrate.

  12. I agree with you wholeheartedly, Anon, that France should declare all Israeli diplomats persona non grata, with 24 hours to leave the country. If the Zionist Entity continues its false flag murders, their nationals – dual or otherwise – should be banned from commerce, tourism, academia – you name it. It's what a real gov't does when an International criminal state gets out of control, unlike the USSA and UK. Israel is notorious for false flags; so are the USSA and UK. All three are known as the Axis of Evil.

  13. Anonymous

    "They had a camera well placed beforehand to film the attack" – Cameras 'ey? Where the hell would they acquire one of those rare pieces of equipment? That's right Israel! Israel = Jews = Money = Camera.
    "They spoke perfect French" – Must be Mossad. Israel = Jews = Money = French Classes
    "Killed with military precision" – That Cop that was shot on the ground could only have been done by an elite sniper such was the distance.You Clowns are over estimating how complicated using a gun is.
    "Dressed in military style" – Clearly Mossad. No one else could afford hoodies… or sneakers
    "Got away clean" – Though I really do think you give Mossad way to much credit not even they would run around in circles without and loose a shoe in the process of getting out of a car.
    "Multiple shooters" by this you mean 2?
    "Malaysian planes started falling out of the sky" Fairly simple really. someone forgot to tell their pilots that blue shit they aiming for aint always the sky.
    Anders Breivik – WTF – where the hell did that one come from.I guess all those kids that saw him shooting are also on the pay role.
    It's not the Izraelis you've got to worry about – It's the Alien Lizard Elite that have taken over their bodies that are the real worry. Seriously folks, I just don't understand how you think governments are behind this, and crap like 911. They are just not that competent

  14. Anonymous

    I was just doing exactly the same thing and I could not locate this place from the video on streetview. It does seem crazy that they were able to escape from there and that they are still at large (at least 2) given that it is the city center in Paris around midday.

  15. Anonymous

    Apparently.. one person has handed himself in..he will probably become states witness ( like the fellow from the Mumbai bombings) they need someone to give all the gory details, how else would the sheeple believe, they are stupid but sometimes do start to question. the two pasties, who happens to be brothers ( much like the tsarnaev brothers from Boston marathon bombings[also setup]) are killed while being apprehended.. so they will not be able to prove their innocence

  16. Anonymous

    If it is a false flag, why did they attack a newspaper critical of Islam? You would think Israelis would like that newspaper and the people that worked there. Or is that part of the cover up in your opinion?

  17. Stephanie

    Hurry up and put your tinfoil hats on while you spew this ricidulousness. Get a grip and get over yourselves. I suppose it's Jews who slaughtered Muslim brothers and sisters in Syria, Egypt, etc. Right. OK.

  18. Anonymous

    Peaple need to keep downloading and sharing this and other similar videos: showing who the real terrorists are…Zionists! They own the MSM and when they give something 24 hour non stop attention it is a sign of another false flag or hoax. Wake up folks! Zionists = Terrorists!

  19. Anonymous

    The camera was on the roof because journalists fled from within the building. ISIS had promised retaliation for the French conducting air strikes.
    These men had lived in France for years, why wouldn't they speak perfect french, and they were from Northern Africa where many speak perfect French. Well trained, well armed jihadists …that's hard to imagine ? Yes, yes, always the Zionists, under your bed as well , are they ?

  20. As a radical anti Neo Con political cartoonist I just want to register my contempt and disgust for your pathetic, overwrought, drama queen, teenage bullshit theories.

  21. Anonymous

    This so called 'suspects', might be in ' their 'custody.They can't tell the truth until the day that they are found dead in shoot out with authority.

  22. Anonymous

    Haha so true.. The thing i find suspicious is that the moslim community is staying quiet.. Like they approve it.

  23. Once again..Islam and the West at each other's throats and the Jewish mafia laughing in the background.

  24. Anonymous

    Well yes they are…and not Jews…Zionists.. Zionists!!!!!

  25. Anonymous

    Go against Israel and Zionists and this is how they will punish you.

  26. Anonymous

    Mossad have always followed the principle divide and conquer, and have tried to manipulate people’s position with regard to the genocide against Palestine. The victims and the killers are seen and used by Mossad as pawns in “foreign policy,” which also pushes the world toward a more totalitarian police regime.

  27. Anonymous

    unfortunately French people can not exile all isreali pro zionist cunts! because:
    their banks are owned by zionist rothschild and friends..
    they house one of the largest and powerful lodges of freemasons as well

  28. So everytime a lone Muslim nutcase commits any atrocity the entire Muslim community has to stand up and apologise on his behalf? By your logic, it's a little suspicious that the entire White Christian community hasn't apologised for the bombing of an NAACP headquarters recently is VERY suspicious…

  29. A key element in a false flag is carrying out an attack in a way that it looks like someone else did it, in this case Muslims. What better way to frame Muslims than to atack an anti-Muslim newspaper? If they had attacked an anti-semitic newspaper it obviously wouldn't have the same effect, now would it? Whether it's a false flag or not, France might roll back its decision to recognize Palestine.

  30. ISIS, Al Qaeda, and whatever else name they have, were created and funded partly by the Neocons in the US, whose founders and leaders happen to be Jewish. These terrorist groups are a tool for ousting soverign and secular regimes like Assad, Gaddafi, etc.

  31. Anonymous

    Excellent discourse so far. False flag was obvious.
    These things are dreamed up in think tanks and ALWAYS have multiple end results. Many have been covered here but consider this:
    The U.S. has been monitoring it's own for decades. Why? To keep track of DISSENT! Since even before J. Edgar Tranny the money changers have feared intelligent, critical, and active dissent.
    MSM is screaming now about "domestic" terrorist threats feeding right into the "spy on your neighbors"
    mentality that got Alex Nieto, Michael Brown, Trayvon Martin, John Crawford, Eric Garner and countless others to be murdered.
    Now with twitter and all the other data mining intrusion tech (invented by Arnold Mayer Spielberg)
    the spies are going to be able to grab ANYBODY
    off the street and disappear them. It's the LAW!
    And don't forget the "american fries" campaign. Now, of course, we love the French.
    Terroism is so stupidly illogical. If I were a person who wanted to "bring down our way of life" I would do exactly what the Mossad comandos did in the board rooms of J.P.Morgan, Goldman Sachs, Bank of England, Credit Suisse, Monsanto, Exxon Mobil and the combined executive boards of the Carlyle Group.

  32. Anonymous

    I may have screwed up loading my comment. I'll try again here.

    Excellent discourse so far. False flag was obvious.
    These things are dreamed up in think tanks and ALWAYS have multiple end results. Many have been covered here but consider this:
    The U.S. has been monitoring it's own for decades. Why? To keep track of DISSENT! Since even before J. Edgar Tranny the money changers have feared intelligent, critical, and active dissent.
    MSM is screaming now about "domestic" terrorist threats feeding right into the "spy on your neighbors"
    mentality that got Alex Nieto, Michael Brown, Trayvon Martin, John Crawford, Eric Garner and countless others to be murdered.
    Now with twitter and all the other data mining intrusion tech (invented by Arnold Mayer Spielberg)
    the spies are going to be able to grab ANYBODY
    off the street and disappear them. It's the LAW!
    And don't forget the "american fries" campaign. Now, of course, we love the French.
    Terroism is so stupidly illogical. If I were a person who wanted to "bring down our way of life" I would do exactly what the Mossad comandos did in the board rooms of J.P.Morgan, Goldman Sachs, Bank of England, Credit Suisse, Monsanto, Exxon Mobil and the combined executive boards of the Carlyle Group.
    Attacks like Paris are so transparent it does make one think the Matrix has won. It's time to break out the pitchforks!

  33. That's very commendable of you. Your con-tempt is duly noted; you can always express your con-tempt again tomorrow.

    Thank you for stopping by.

  34. Anonymous

    Excellent discourse so far. False flag was obvious.
    These things are dreamed up in think tanks and ALWAYS have multiple end results. Many have been covered here but consider this:
    The U.S. has been monitoring it's own for decades. Why? To keep track of DISSENT! Since even before J. Edgar Tranny the money changers have feared intelligent, critical, and active dissent.
    MSM is screaming now about "domestic" terrorist threats feeding right into the "spy on your neighbors"
    mentality that got Alex Nieto, Michael Brown, Trayvon Martin, John Crawford, Eric Garner and countless others to be murdered.
    Now with twitter and all the other data mining intrusion tech (invented by Arnold Mayer Spielberg)
    the spies are going to be able to grab ANYBODY
    off the street and disappear them. It's the LAW!
    And don't forget the "american fries" campaign. Now, of course, we love the French.
    Terroism is so stupidly illogical. If I were a person who wanted to "bring down our way of life" I would do exactly what the Mossad comandos did in the board rooms of J.P.Morgan, Goldman Sachs, Bank of England, Credit Suisse, Monsanto, Exxon Mobil and the combined executive boards of the Carlyle Group.

  35. President Hollande recently called for an end to the sanctions against Russia. We are all Marcel Duchamp, now.

  36. Anonymous

    False flag operation? lol! Go to Mosul and tell these sand niggers o the Islamic State that there is no such thing as islamic terrorism and everything is done by Israel. Please don't forget to tell them to share on the Internet a video about your head being chopped off.

    False flag operation…. Who the heck can someone be so fucking idiot (and believe they are smarter than anyone else)

  37. Anonymous

    This was a professional inside job pulled off likely by Mossad or affiliated intelligence organizations. Mossad motto: "By way of deception thou shalt make war.

  38. Anonymous

    Fox anchor (greta carlson i think) noted it odd that one of them paused to pick up a shoe but left an ID behind .. reminds me of 9/11 a passport miraculously surviving to be found nearby. real jew news blog noted that the 2nd car was obtained in front of what he referred to as a kosher restaurant. also same Fox anchor mentioned that there was a tweet about the attack that involved knowledge of events that hadn't yet been published in the news … well that "investigation" will probably disappear if the tweeter had some connection to a false-flag.

  39. Read paperback book "Pawns in the Game", by William Guy Carr,

  40. Anonymous

    Djihad should really mean Holy War against sins, and not people.

    God hates sins, but loves the sinners, because they are mislead by his mortal ennemy, the devil.

  41. Anonymous

    Simple facts folks. Have weapons have crazies have death. Doesn't matter if it's the highway of death in Iraq or two towers. Give a nut a weapon and an excuse…..people die. world's full of weakness and unfortunately they're armed. Whole bunch of people just got gunned down for having an opinion, and the people that did it will be gunned down for theirs. RIP cause we sure as shit won't

  42. Anonymous

    That's way out of line… Even for this site. Never met a smart racist prick before… That's cause they don't exist. Hope wankers like you are monitored by security. Wouldn't let you own a toy gun without a psyc test

  43. Anonymous

    Only idiots believe this was anything but a Islamist attack. All the conspiracy theories don't change the facts. Muslims and only Muslins are responsible for this massacre.

  44. Anonymous

    it has been removed already

  45. Anonymous

    Excellent discourse so far. False flag was obvious.
    These things are dreamed up in think tanks and ALWAYS have multiple end results. Many have been covered here but consider this:
    The U.S. has been monitoring it's own for decades. Why? To keep track of DISSENT! Since even before J. Edgar Tranny the money changers have feared intelligent, critical, and active dissent.
    MSM is screaming now about "domestic" terrorist threats feeding right into the "spy on your neighbors"
    mentality that got Alex Nieto, Michael Brown, Trayvon Martin, John Crawford, Eric Garner and countless others to be murdered.
    Now with twitter and all the other data mining intrusion tech (invented by Arnold Mayer Spielberg)
    the spies are going to be able to grab ANYBODY
    off the street and disappear them. It's the LAW!
    And don't forget the "american fries" campaign. Now, of course, we love the French.
    Terroism is so stupidly illogical. If I were a person who wanted to "bring down our way of life" I would do exactly what the Mossad comandos did in the board rooms of J.P.Morgan, Goldman Sachs, Bank of England, Credit Suisse, Monsanto, Exxon Mobil and the combined executive boards of the Carlyle Group. Any other attacks are for show and propaganda.

  46. Can you upload the video please ?

  47. Anonymous

    When is the funeral of all dead people. Havent seen any

  48. Anonymous

    Thank you very much for this information. People are still sleep since 9/11. We need to fight the evils and that is zionists. Zionist wants power, they already rule our economy.

  49. Anonymous

    The only reason people think everything that Muslims do is a false flag operation is because deep down we know Muslims generally don't care about Iraqis or Syrians (at all) and would rather kill their own families over money before plotting an attack over social injustice. They're no more violent or jingoistic than any one else and know most religion is BS. The problem is that the few crazy ones go to prison and look for even crazier people to do the dirty work for them. Hence the disproportionate number of converts that commit terrorist acts. I wonder if these same nutjobs frequent conspiracy theory boards such as this?

  50. Jihad in Islam means to strive against ones ego. And it also means to strive against opression. Jihad has nothing to do with holy war. Not once in the Quran ''holy war'' is mentioned. ''Holy war'' was first used by the crusaders in Europe. And guess who financed the crusades? Yes exactely, the jews.

  51. Anonymous

    Charlie Hebdo you very disgusting, you are harassed man with pornographic images. especially that you abused is a picture of religious leaders. money is not everything, look for sources of news that has ethics. I'll see you in hell ^^ from: Dan

  52. Radical Islam is a Zionist creation. It is not the revivification of the centuries-old Muslim conquest of Europe, nor is it an abiding hatred of Christianity, it’s not even a reaction to the impertinence of the Jewish state, but rather it is the “enemy” that Jews, in their quest for global control, have devised to use against Europeans.

    Two key elements of this contrivance are false flag terrorism and massive Muslim immigration into Europe. The latter was necessary to bring the “reality” of Muslim terror home to Europeans so they would misidentify their enemy and be willing to expend blood and treasure in support of a Jewish state that itself was created by violence, terrorism, and the dispossession and expulsion of the native population. Immigration is also used to fracture and destabilize European nations with a foreign element whose menace is amplified by the media.

    It is a mistake to view Muslim immigration in isolation from false flag terrorism – they have the same author and the same goals. Not only the Zionist perpetrators, but their liberal fellow tribesmen are in a precarious position because exposure of their authorship of a single false flag event can bring down the whole nefarious construct. It makes liberal Jews – the cultural Marxists – very nervous, and liberals sporting je suis Charlie Hebdo signs are doing their part to keep the focus on Islam as archenemy and Judaism as Europe’s best friend. As always such schemes have a multi-faceted purpose and turning whites against each other is an important one.

  53. En passent:
    'Is it ‘paranoid’ to suspect the State(s) of paying trolls? Well, how’s about this:
    ‘ Revealed: US spy operation that manipulates social media
    Exclusive: Military’s ‘sock puppet’ software creates fake online identities to spread pro-American propaganda al-networks
    Nick Fielding and Ian Cobain –, Thursday 17 March 2011 13.19 GMT
    General David Petraeus has said American efforts to spy on social media are aimed at ‘countering extremist ideology [Zionism perchance!] and propaganda and ensuring credible voices are heard’. Photograph: Cliff Owen/AP
    The US military is developing software that will let it secretly manipulate social media using fake online personas designed to influence internet conversations and spread pro-American propaganda.
    A Californian corporation has been awarded a contract with the US Central Command (Centcom) to develop what is described as an “online persona management service” that will allow one serviceman or woman to control up to 10 separate identities at once.
    The contract stipulates each persona must have a convincing background, history and supporting details, and that up to 50 controllers must be able to operate false identities from their workstations “without fear of being discovered by sophisticated adversaries”….’
    Though this is 'off topic', it is good for you guys and gals to know this stuff, and not just believe it.
    Another thing you should know is that all mobile phones can be used as microphones by the 'Authorities', even when switched off (and landlines, even when 'on the hook'.
    Here is 'policeman murdered' in slow motion: 2520BLANKS%2520Jan%25207th%25202015%2520FRENCH%2520SATIRE%2520With%252 0Slow%2520Motion-HD.mp4?dl=0
    Does that look real??
    Also 'rather odd':
    Sky News Reporter Says Blood Has Been Put There: -has-been-put-there-paris-terrorist-attacks-2015_news?start=1

    Paris Shooting Hoax Policeman Taking Selfies After 12 Murdered WTF:

  54. Anonymous

    1. The journalists from Charlie Hebdo only gather in their Paris office once per week. – Totally wrong they are in the office most days and it would be easy to find out when the meeting happen AND they went to the wrong office first!!
    2. There were police INSIDE the Charlie Hebdo offices BEFORE the attack took place Wrong again 1 office with a hand gun
    3. There were heavily armed police in the vicinity and all over the centre of Paris. – once again total rubbish – yes there are armed police but they aren’t on every street corner
    After this policeman was 'shot' in the head with blanks, there is no sign of blood. – this is not ‘Die Hard’ no bullet ever acts the same as other bullets
    4. "After killing the officer, the gunmen returned to their car, shouting, 'We avenged the Prophet Muhammad,' the source said." – yeah its very rare for an extremist to shout religious slogans in the street
    5. Mossad and the French security services appear to have had their posters printed in advance? – this is a capital city someone might even have a printer!!! BTW the photo is on an evening at least 6+hours after the attack – even you could press print in that time!
    6. In false flag attacks, the alleged terrorists allegedly leave behind identity cards or passports. – they left them behind cause they weren’t very good – again this isn’t an episode of NCIS
    7. In false flag attacks, the authorities often give conflicting evidence. – “Two senior US officials!” NOTE US officials!!
    8. In false flag attacks, the security services need 'patsies'. – not going to answer this cause you’ve argued against this in the article – way to go!!

    Well I’m all done pulling this crap apart, I’m off to play with the grown ups

  55. Anonymous

    AnonymousJanuary 10, 2015 at 3:32 PM
    When is the funeral of all dead people. Havent seen any

    Look harder!!

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