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Talking “peace economics” with Dr. Peace, a.k.a. Bob Reuschlein

Tuesday, October 17th, 11 a.m. to noon Central (9-10 Pacific) on (archived here a few hours after broadcast).

Guest: Dr. Bob Reuschlein of goes by the moniker “Dr. Peace.” Dr. Bob was a presenter at the recent Economic Democracy Conference in Madison, Wisconsin.  He’s an expert on the many ways that excessive military spending kills economies, debases whole societies, and brings down empires.

His research indicates that of all the ways the government can spend money, military spending is by far the most economically destructive.

My take: A handful of special interests are getting rich on gargantuan military spending – namely:

*  the arms manufacturers

* the Israel lobby

* the drug lords using the US military to ensure their market dominance in Afghanistan & Columbia

*and perhaps most importantly, the bankers who use war to drive nations into debt, then collect the exponentially-accumulating compound interest, and end up owning EVERYTHING.

These parasites are killing the host – the real economy. Today, ten years after the 9/11 coup d’état doubled military spending, concealed the Pentagon’s missing 2.3 trillion dollars, and cemented power in the hands of neocon pro-Israel extremists, the real economy is on its last legs.

It’s either them or us.

Time to get on with it.

One Thought to “Talking “peace economics” with Dr. Peace, a.k.a. Bob Reuschlein”

  1. Anonymous

    Great show! Dr. Bob knows his stuff.

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