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William Pepper on Martin Luther King assassination; Roy Harvey on “Wellstone: They Killed Him”

Truth Jihad Radio Fri. 1/13/12, 3-5 pm Central, American Freedom Radio (archived here.) Call-in: (402) 237-2525 or post your questions to my Facebook page.

First hour: William Pepper, attorney for the Martin Luther King, Jr. family, who won a civil case proving that the US government assassinated Dr. King, and that James Earl Ray was an innocent patsy. The corporate media refused to report on the case, and have been running interference for Dr. King’s killers so assiduously that it would not be an exaggeration to say that every national mainstream outlet in the US is an accessory to the crime. William Pepper’s experience proving the CIA, FBI and US Army assassinated Dr. King is recounted in his book Act of State.

Second hour: Roy Harvey, possibly joined by Josh Harvey, of Snowshoe Films, the makers of the new documentary Wellstone: They Killed Him. Senator Paul Wellstone, like Dr. King, was one of the very few honest and courageous political leaders in US history. Honesty and courage, unfortunately, are not appreciated by the psychopaths of the American Deep State or “Overworld” – the criminal organization that is as far above the law as the underworld is below it. (The concept was first suggested by UC-Berkeley professor Peter Dale Scott.)

What passes for the American “left” – the ostensible supporters of Dr. King and Sen. Wellstone who lack the courage to even protest their heroes’ assassinations, much less pick up a gun and go after those complicit – is the most pathetic bunch of cowards ever assembled under a political rubric.

If the same kind of bastards who killed Dr. King and Sen. Wellstone ever kill Ron Paul – or any other inspiring political figure, for that matter – I hope and pray that the people (including honest folks in the military and police services) will rise up in rebellion.

5 Thoughts to “William Pepper on Martin Luther King assassination; Roy Harvey on “Wellstone: They Killed Him””

  1. Anonymous

    Kevin, I was thinking about you just now and your comments the other day about getting mad when the anniversary of Dr. King's assassination comes around each year. I'm with you a thousand percent. It's great and completely justified to give him all the honors and remember his words, etc. But it does a genuine disservice to his life to ignore the reasons that brought about his death. Why can't kids be taught the facts, or at least presented with the known evidence so they can do their own research ?

    Imagine giving kids the truth about the poitical assassinations of the 60's as well as Paul Wellstone and the others. What if they were taught to look into these things instead of listening to the msm ? What if they demanded justice when something like this happened ?

    It really bothers me that the attitude among Christians is like "oh well. Bad things happen here on earth. We can't change them." I don't get that at all. If someone hurt one of your family members or stole something from them, you and I sure as hell would want the bad guys brought to justice. 9/11 was a great big crime, but a crime none the less. It wasn't an act of God or Satan or any other damn thing. It was a crime, a SCAD to be precise.

    And why don't the churches oppose the wars ? Why aren't they peace churches ?

    These have all been rhetorical questions. However, here's the one question I'd like you to answer if you would be so kind. What is the Muslim view on these things, like Dr. King's assassination ? Do they take a more spiritual view of earthly matters ? I guess if one believes that the bad guy will get his punishment from his creator, it would sure be easier to live with this crap. I'm not sure about what will happen in the next world or life. I just know that we shouldn't remain silent as Dr. King said.

    Hope you are well and in the mood to answer my question.


  2. Hi Dan,

    I agree about the churches. There are a few Christians out there who do have their heads screwed on straight – I'm thinking above all about James Douglass. But most are spiritually impotent if not insane.

    Muslims tend to be a bit better, but not by all that much.

    The religion of Islam teaches us to try to achieve justice in this life as well as the next. The harder you work for truth and justice in this life, the better off you'll be in the next. The Qur'an repeatedly promises paradise to "those who keep the faith and work justice." Both are required. Just keeping the faith alone won't do it. You have to work for justice too.

    Unlike Christianity, which says "accept that Jesus died on the cross for your sins and you'll be forgiven," Islam offers no get-out-of-hell-free card. The cosmos is absolutely just, and we'll get exactly what we deserve – not a dust-speck more or less.

    Unfortunately, many Muslims have fallen away from their religion. But overall, I think Muslims are doing better than Christians, mainly because the religion of Islam is better-preserved, and therefore more in line with truth/reality, than the religion of Christianity.



  3. Anonymous


    I might try to fit your "wibawals" "pwogwessives" terminology into a bit for my radio show.

    It's not copyrighted is it?


  4. Actually, you have to pay me a quarter each time you pronounce those words.

    Blame the new intewwectual pwopewty laws ; – )

  5. Anonymous

    Lee Oswald used a few seconds of TV exposure to loudly proclaim "I'm just a patsy". He was using a term of art in the CIA covert action circles in which he moved with some success as a double agent for Attorney General Bobby Kennedy, collaborating with patriots such as Mary Sherman and David Ferrie to try prevent the assassination of President Kennedy by developing a cancer-causing virus bio-weapon to assassinate President Fidel Castro. Lee Oswald was much more than a patsy: he was a brave, intelligent, honest, tender-hearted, and stalwart hero who knowingly remained on post as a designated shooter for the planned assassination squad in Dealey Plaza, even after he realized that his role as a double-agent loyal to President Kennedy had been betrayed, and the assassination attempt on President Kennedy in Dealey Plaza would include his own certain death. The assassination of Lee Oswald was as tragic as that of President Kennedy: they were both flawed heroes who were willing to sacrifice their own lives for the sacred cause of justice. It is a disservice to a fallen hero to refer to Lee Oswald merely as a patsy. We should honor his example of heroism in the face of overwhelming odds whenever we recall the name of Lee Oswald.

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