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Jonathan Elinoff, Professor Griff on TJ Radio Wednesday!

Truth Jihad Radio Wed. 11/16/11, 1-3 pm Central, American Freedom Radio (archived here.) Call-in: (402) 237-2525 or post your questions to my Facebook page.

First hour: Jonathan Elinoff of (Complete bio here.) He’s about to come out with part 2 of Core of Corruption – one of the best truth-seeker films.

I met Jonathan E. when we were both crashing with Sander Hicks for the 2009 9/11 festivities in NYC, and have been a huge fan of his work ever since. Jonathan’s personal story as a young American Jew sent by his parents to Israel, only to encounter the reality of the apartheid state, deserves a wide audience. Last year he broke the story of the Israeli “art students” with construction passes camping out on the 91st floor of the World Trade Center with huge piles of boxes, during the run-up to 9/11. See here, here and here.

Second hour: Professor Griff: rap artist, public intellectual, free speech icon, New World Order critic. Since leaving his post as Minister of Information with the revolutionary hip-hop group Public Enemy, Professor Griff has been exposing the NWO, exploring Islam and spirituality, and generally working to wake up the planet.

The Sifting and Winnowing Club is working to bring Professor Griff to the University of Wisconsin next February.

One Thought to “Jonathan Elinoff, Professor Griff on TJ Radio Wednesday!”

  1. Anonymous

    Wow, great week of shows. Excellent slate of guests.

    I especially enjoyed Cynthia McKinney because I have been researching occult numerology and the dates associated with engineered disasters and assassinations. Nice to hear that she too is noticing the dates.

    BTW… I just penned a new piece on the recent police violence towards OWS protestors. I thought I would run it by you. My take is that TPTB are trying to foment a revolution in order to enact a police state, to save us from ourselves. Just a thought to think about.

    The Violent Provocation of OWS Protestors
    Is There A Hidden Hand At Work In Instigating Violence In A Peaceful Protest?
    NewsFocus Op/Ed, by Tim Watts – 111611

    Keep up the great work Kevin.


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