Truth Jihad Radio Fri. 8/26/11, 1-3 pm Central, American Freedom Radio (archived here.) Call-in num
ber: (402) 237-2525 or post your questions to my Facebook page.
First hour: Peymon Mottahedeh interviews Richard Gage, AIA, founder of Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth! Richard is super-busy right now as the 10th anniversary of 9/11 approaches, so we appreciate his time! Yesterday, launched their “Remember Building 7” 10th anniversary ad campaign in New York City; Gage will soon be debating physicist Dave Thomas on nationwide PAcifica Radio, moderated by Peter Phillips and Mickey Huff; and he’s gearing up for the Toronto Hearings and Liberty Fest.
Second hour: Jeff Gates returns to discuss his new article Carnage in Norway – Refreshing the Narrative:
With Osama bin Laden dead and war-weary Americans nearing the tenth anniversary of 911, The narrative was losing its punch. Plus the storytellers face a transparency problem: Intelligence agencies worldwide have identified pro-Israelis as the common source of the manipulated intelligence that induced the invasion of Iraq.
What’s a Zionist to do? Answer: look to past successes.
Timing is Everything
Ten days prior to 911, Tel Aviv announced a $1 million grant to Israeli super-spy Jonathan Pollard. Why then? The timing suggests Tel Aviv was signaling its operatives and sayanim (Hebrew for volunteers).
The Norwegian shooter is akin to the narrative-advancing snipers who emerged in the lead-up to the Senate vote authorizing the U.S. military to invade Iraq. In the lead-up to next month’s UN vote on statehood for Palestine, the carnage in Norway freshened up a stale storyline.
This latest mass murder was committed on the 65th anniversary of the bombing of the King David Hotel in Tel Aviv. That mass murder was an operation of the Irgun, Zionist-terrorist predecessors to the Likud Party of today’s Benjamin Netanyahu.
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A Vietnam veteran, Jeff Gates is a widely acclaimed author, attorney, investment banker, educator and consultant to government, corporate and union leaders worldwide. He served for seven years as counsel to the U.S. Senate Committee on Finance.
He is widely published in the trade, popular and academic press. His latest book is Guilt by Association: How Deception and Self-Deceit Took America to War.
His previous books include Democracy at Risk: Rescuing Main Street From Wall Street and The Ownership Solution: Toward a Shared Capitalism for the 21st Century. Topical commentaries appear on the Criminal State website.