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The Islamic Revolution Continues in Egypt

I get bombarded with Islamophobic emails on a regular basis. Most of the culprits, believe it or not, are sympathetic to the cause of truth – yet at an unconscious level they have been programmed by the 9/11 public relations stunt and other Zionist media propaganda to fear and loathe Islam. 

So let me briefly explain to these folks, and other non-Islam-friendly readers and listeners, why I think Egypt, Tunisia, and many other Muslim-majority countries desperately need Islamic revolutions.

These nations’ societies have been based on Islam – which is a 24/7/365 way of life, not a one-day-a-week gig – for many centuries. In the Muslim-majority world, Islam is the glue that holds social life together. The moral order, in particular, is indelibly tied to Islam. In these societies, Islam is the source of the values that lead people to behave charitably, to put the needs of other people and the community ahead of their own desires, and generally to act out of their better selves.

Much of the traditional Islamic order  – at least among the upper classes – was destroyed when Europe conquered and colonized the Islamic world, a process that lasted roughly from the mid-19th to the mid-20th centuries. By the 1960s, all Muslim countries except Palestine had regained their nominal independence. But they were still, for the most part, ruled by comprador elites in the pay of the West – and these secularist elites, lacking the Islamic ethos, rarely gave a damn about the welfare of their people.

Ben Ali, the deposed Tunisian dictator, is an extreme example of the marriage of secularism and corruption that has characterized the misrulers of the postcolonial Muslim world. Ben Ali banned the call to prayer, prohibited women from wearing headscarves in public, and generally waged war against the Muslim people of Tunisia before finally being chased out of the country last week. His genocidal destruction of Tunisian Muslim culture, like Attaturk’s anti-Islam genocide in Turkey, has left a wound that will take decades to heal; and, as in Turkey, healing will come with the rediscovery of Tunisia’s Islamic identity.

Egypt is luckier. Mubarak’s regime is just as brutal and larcenous as Ben Ali’s, but it has not seriously damaged Egypt’s Islamic underpinnings. On the contrary, the Egyptian people have become more self-identified as Muslim, and more devout, over the past few decades; and organized opposition is led by the Muslim Brothers, who have survived fifty years of brutal government repression and would probably win power if Egypt ever held an honest election…or if Mubarak and his goons were ever chased out of the country. (Expect the second alternative first…perhaps any day now.)

An Islamic revolution in Egypt would have immense worldwide repercussions. If Arab dictators start falling like dominoes, we might see the beginnings of a united Ummah – the long awaited neo-caliphate that the vast majority of Muslims want – a lot sooner than anyone had predicted. Insha’allah.

New youtube video:

Tunisia,  Egypt,  and..? Islamic Revolution – Dictators Will Fall Like Dominoes!

3 Thoughts to “The Islamic Revolution Continues in Egypt”

  1. Al-salamu Alaikum ..

    first,I would like to thank you for your efforts (Susan's interview was an eye-opener)
    Second: I'm an Egyptian Muslim, and I feel sorry to tell you that this so-called revolution here isn't Islamic !!
    it is a copy-cat reaction to Tunisia's. the demands are mainly : food, jobs, and for the regime to leave. but the alternative is another secular American : el-baradi !!
    even the Muslim Brotherhood doesn't want a Caliphate !!
    The result of the uprising will probably will be more restrains !
    I can clearly see that the only sane group here are the Salafi(s) ..
    the solution will come with them someday.

  2. AAS

    I'm taking the long view, and remaining hopeful.

    Meanwhile, we need to keep pointing out that (A) the great majority of Muslims worldwide want a unified ummah or caliphate, (B) a unified ummah or caliphate is the only solution to the current political, social and economic problems of the Muslim "nations," and (C) it may be relatively moderate, pragmatic people, rather than "radicals," who will be best-placed to succeed in bringing this about. The integration of the EU provides an obvious model for Muslim countries — except that the EU is controlled by the New World Order bankers, while an integrated Muslim world would obviously have to have its own non-riba currency backed by its energy resources.

    This is a completely realistic program. The Muslim majority who wants it to happen needs to get better at articulating their goals, and should deny legitimacy to any would-be "leaders" who don't put a unified ummah at the top of their agenda.

  3. Anonymous

    الاسلام بدعة

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