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LIVE RADIO! Etienne de la Boetie on “23 Reasons to Suspect ‘Trump Shooting’ Was a PR Op”; Josh Mitteldorf on Science, Values, and Politics

Listen live Fridays noon to 2pm Eastern on Revolution.Radio (use “Studio B” instead of “Studio A” this week)—later archived at First hour: Libertarian author and Substacker Etienne de la Boetie of Art of Liberty makes his Truth Jihad Radio debut to discuss his suspicions about the July 13 alleged Trump shooting. Check out that link and see which of the 23 reasons, if any, you find the most convincing. We may also discuss who JD Vance really is, how bad the COVID jab really is, and what the US government really is, among other topics. And we’ll likely discuss the Democrats’ rebranding…


Bullet That Nicked Trump’s Ear Found on Stretcher at Parkland Memorial Hospital

Dissociated Press The mysterious July 13 Trump shooting in Butler, Pennsylvania grew slightly less mysterious this morning, as the FBI announced that it has finally located the bullet that struck former President Donald Trump’s right ear. As it turns out, there was a very good reason why the bullet could not be found at the Butler Farm Show location where the shooting took place: It was accidentally removed by medical personnel, and somehow found its way to a stretcher at Parkland Memorial Hospital in Dallas, Texas, where it was discovered by a person or persons unknown. The bullet’s remarkably pristine…


LIVE RADIO! Laurent Guyénot on Satanism Panic; Wyatt Peterson on JFK-RFK-9/11 Parallels

Listen live Fridays noon to 2pm Eastern on Revolution.Radio later archived at Rumble link Bitchute link First hour: Laurent Guyénot, author of From Yahweh to Zion, discusses his two new French-language articles “Hollywood, CIA, Epstein, Pizzagate : Check out the Documentary Out of Shadows ” and  “Manufacturing False Memories and the MK Ultra File.” (Non-francophones can cut and paste the text into Google translate to get a sense of their contents.) We’ll also discuss the apparent Trump shooting. Spoiler: Laurent agrees with my interpretation. Laurent wrote me to ask about Islam’s interpretation of Satan and satanism, adding: “I’ll have to state…