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DDWN for this week: Super Bowl 9/11 truth blowout, and more!

False-Flag News 1) 9/11 Truther at MVP press conference  2) Super Bowl champs’ coach 9/11 truther? 3) CIA Agent reports US and Israel created al Qaeda  4) Death sentence to silence Dzhokhar Tsamaev? 5) Congress approves more state-sponsored terrorism against Syria 6) Karzai has secret contacts with Taliban Snowden & Cyber-Tyranny 7) Snowden talks, US suppresses  8) GCHQ secret unit uses DDOS attack tactics against Anonymous – Snowden leak  9) Clapper calls for Snowden “and accomplices” to return documents Israel/Zionism 10) New York attempts to ban academic boycotts  11) Has AIPAC’s clout been diminished?  Syria 12) Congress approves more state-sponsored…