Listen HERE I have somehow managed to annoy free speech hero Jeremy Rothe-Kushel, who writes: “While I still feel kismet with you as a human, and maybe because of that, in terms of the responsibilities of what I had felt we both held as colleagues towards truthful public speech, this seems like beyond disagreement to me, and my duty to oppose what I see as your reactionary idolatry and consequent core political abandonment of the path of the truth jihadi as flinging the words of truth in the face of tyrants even if uncomfortable to internal intellectual inertia and pressures, both…
FULL ARTICLETag: liberalism
Ray McGinnis on Freedom Convoy vs. Canadian COVID Dystopia
Listen HERE Ray McGinnis, author of Unanswered Questions: What the September Eleventh Families Asked and the 9/11 Commission Ignored, joins me to discuss his new article “The Freedom Convoy & the Collapse of Canadian Liberalism.” It’s an excellent article. McGinnis’s point—that Trudeau’s ultra-liberalism has somehow morphed into authoritarian totalitarianism—is a good one, and his arguments and evidence are convincing. But I suspect that it isn’t so much that Trudeau has betrayed liberalism, as that liberalism itself is collapsing under the weight of its own contradictions.
FULL ARTICLEThaddeus Kozinski on “What Plato can Teach us about Covid 19”
Listen HERE Philosophy and humanities teacher Thaddeus Kozinski, author of Modernity as Apocalypse: Sacred Nihilism and the Counterfeits of Logos, discusses his new essays “What Plato can Teach us about Covid 19” and “Covid 19: The Warning.” Kozinski writes: “The last eighteen months is perhaps the demonstrative proof that Plato was right…” How so? As Plato knew, “the vast majority of us need a polis as well as a Church, one that unites us, not in the isolated and isolating ‘pursuit of happiness,’ but in the communal enjoyment of happiness, in the knowledge, love, and celebration of the Good in…
FULL ARTICLEPeter Simpson on (neo)liberalism
Listen HERE CUNY philosophy professor Peter Simpson, author of “Theocracy’s Challenge” and Political Illiberalism, continues last week’s conversation on “debt traps” and discusses the impending fall of the Western neoliberal empire. Is neoliberalism’s achilles heel its financial system, which rewards rent-extracting parasites (like Wall Street) and discourages investment in real infrastructure and goods and services? Is China eclipsing the West because its public banking system rewards real production? As Michael Hudsonwrites: “So the question is what kind of financial system are you going to have to back up a central banking system and credit creation? Is credit going to be a…
FULL ARTICLEPeter Simpson on Why Theocracy Is Better than Secular Liberalism
Listen HERE CUNY philosophy professor Peter Simpson has published “Theocracy’s Challenge” presenting a cogent argument for the superiority of theocracy over secular liberalism. It concludes: “The modern world has prided itself on getting rid of a theological power capable of commanding and restraining the political. Its much-touted claim is that we have thereby secured for ourselves a freedom unknown and inconceivable by a past under the deadening thrall of priests. But pride, as they say, goeth before a fall. Few things in human life can be trusted pure and left alone without external check and restraint. Most men are no…