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What is Sam Harris REALLY afraid of?

Is Sam Harris an Islamophobe? He admits that he fears Islam. He is shocked that “smart, well-educated liberals” do not fear Islam the way he does. He goes on and on about his fear of Islam. Avoid him at parties – he’ll chew your ear off, spit it out, put you to sleep, and wake you up again screaming “the Muslims are coming!” Islamophobe literally means “one who fears Islam.” Sam obviously qualifies. Normally, when someone obsessively promulgates a negative view of a race or religion, that person is deemed a bigot…and drummed out of polite society. Any American obsessed…


A Friendly Visit from the Federal Marshals

“He called the judge an ASS-hole! Can you believe it? My crazy husband called the judge an ASSSSSS-hole!” My wife spent yesterday afternoon calling and Skyping her friends and family, excoriating my poor judgment in posting an over-the-top letter to the judge who sentenced Tarek Mehanna to 17 years in prison. She thought it was so unprofessional, so excessive, that it damaged my credibility and maybe even Tarek Mehanna’s case. Compared to her, the pair of Federal Marshals who visited us yesterday offered relatively mild literary criticism. They asked  me why I wrote it and what did it mean. After…