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Christopher Bollyn returns to the KB Show

Tuesday, October 11th, 11 a.m. to noon Central (9-10 Pacific) on (archived here a few hours after broadcast). Guest: Christopher Bollyn, author of the important book Solving 9/11. He has a great new article out entitled Chicago’s Elders of Zion and Obama’s War for Profit. Highly recommended! Excerpts: “Because the scale of the war-for-profit scam is so immense, an example comparing what the money wasted on the wars could have bought for the American people is helpful: The U.S. military spends an estimated $20 billion a year just to air-condition its tents and bases in Iraq and Afghanistan. This…


Christopher Bollyn joins TJ Radio for two full hours!

Truth Jihad Radio Fri. 5/27/11, 1-3 pm Central, American Freedom Radio (archived here.) Call-in number: (402) 237-2525 or post your questions to my Facebook page. Guest: Christopher Bollyn, author of Solving 9/11 – a key resource for anyone seeking the full truth about the 9/11 coup d’état. (Read it online for free!) Christopher writes: Thank you for your steadfast support of the truth. I am very pleased to inform you that the final and conclusive chapters of Solving 9/11 – The Deception that Changed the World have been published on I am also pleased that I was able to…


Christopher Bollyn, Monfils Conspiracy on TJ Radio!

Truth Jihad Radio Sat. 12/18/10, 5-7 pm Central, American Freedom Radio (archived here.) Call-in number: (402) 237-2525 or post your questions to my Facebook page. First hour: Christopher Bollyn, author of Solving 9/11 – the most comprehensive book on Israeli involvement in the 9/11 attacks. Christopher Bollyn has just made public new evidence concerning the destruction of 9/11 evidence. He writes: I look forward to discussing the destruction of the steel from the World Trade Center on Saturday, December 18. I am sending you the following information so that you understand the basics of what I will be talking about.…

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