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Kevin Barrett (Muslim) interviews Vincent Bugliosi (agnostic): The complete transcript

Celebrated prosecutor and bestselling author Vincent Bugliosi joined me on Truth Jihad Radio on June 3rd – between my speaking tours of Turkey and Europe. So if I wax too cosmic, blame the jet lag. Bugliosi is the author of fourteen books, several of them blockbusters, including Helter Skelter, The Prosecution of George W. Bush for Murder, and now his latest bestseller Divinity of Doubt: The God Question, which makes a strong case for agnosticism. Many listeners have told me they love this interview. Listen here, or read the transcript below.  Interview Transcript  I just read Vincent Bugliosi’s new book…


You can’t PAY people to defend the 9/11 Commission Report. Does that mean we’ve won?

Even though nobody showed up to claim the $1,000 honorarium – maybe even because no debate opponent showed up – the 9/11: Explosive Evidence film and debate event Thursday night was a huge success. In the film, a long list of experts explained, clearly and in detail, why the destruction of the three World Trade Center skyscrapers can only be explained by controlled demolition. After the film, not one of the thousands of supposed experts on engineering, physics, architecture and other relevant topics who teach at the University of Wisconsin showed up to claim $1,000 and explain why the experts…


Sander Hicks joins the Wisconsin Revolution

Truth Party founder Sander Hicks arrived in Wisconsin just in time to help stop the police from clearing protesters out of the state capitol. After a spirited and well-attended event at the Wil-Mar Neighborhood Center, followed by refreshments at The Weary Traveler, Sander & Co. arrived at the State Capitol shortly after the 4 pm police deadline for protesters to leave the building, which had been occupied for two weeks. As we got there, hundreds of protesters inside were refusing to leave, and a crowd outside shouted, honked and bullhorned its support. Sander later apparently managed to penetrate security and…


Debating 9/11 hijackers with ex-CIA asset Susan Lindauer

Susan Lindauer will be my guest tomorrow, Saturday January 22nd, on Truth Jihad Radio.  On my Tuesday, Jan. 4th show, she broke the story about CIA foreknowledge of 9/11 and how her CIA handler, Dr. Richard Fuisz, stated on 9/11/01 that the Mossad did it. We recently had a brief email debate about whether or not there were any actual hijackers on 9/11. Et voilà: Hi Susan, I transcribed and posted the first half of the interview yesterday. Things get around fast these days! You’ll probably hear from some wack jobs as well as thoughtful people, if my experience is…