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Four Arrows: Witch-hunted professor, 9/11 truth supporter & Wellstone author

Tuesday, May 4th, 9-10 a.m. Pacific (noon-1 pm Eastern) on, to be archived here a few hours later… Four Arrows (Don Jacobs) teaches at Fielding Graduate University. He is the co-author with Jim Fetzer of American Assassination: The Strange Death of Senator Paul Wellstone, and the author of the brand new Teaching Virtues and several other books. It turns out that Four Arrows and I have something in common: We were both hounded out of academic jobs due to our support for 9/11 truth (and in his case, the truth about Wellstone’s death). In fact, the level of harassment…


“Free trade” mythbuster Ian Fletcher, David Ray Griffin Tour organizer Matt Naus on Truth Jihad Radio!

Truth Jihad Radio Sat. 5/1/10, 5-7 pm Central, American Freedom Radio (to be archived here.) Call-in number: 512-879-3805. First hour: Since May Day is the original workers’ holiday, why not celebrate it by busting the myth of “free trade” — possibly the single biggest culprit behind the ongoing screwing of working people that has been accelerating over the past three decades? Listen, folks: I ran for Congress as a Libertarian, so if there’s anyone who really wants to believe in free trade, it’s me. But Ian Fletcher’s book Free Trade Doesn’t Work will convince anyone but the most hidebound acolyte…


Tuesday 4/27: Pro-Palestinian activist & Chomsky critic Jeff Blankfort

Tuesday, April 27th, 9-10 a.m. Pacific (noon-1 pm Eastern) on, to be archived here a few hours later.. Jeff Blankfort, pro-Palestinian activist, critic of Zionism, and long-time critic of Noam Chomsky. (We will be discussing Chomsky, with whom I had a brief run-in, among other topics.) Jeff forwarded me “this link to a recent response by Ali Abumimah and myself to Gnome Chumpsky [actually the chumps are those who subscribe to his disinformation campaign.]” Bio: “Jeffrey Blankfort was raised in a Jewish non-Zionist family. He produces radio programs on three stations and has written extensively on the Middle…


Is holocaust revisionism legitimate? Thomas Dalton, Roberto Muehlenkamp, Andrew Mathis on Truth Jihad Radio!

Truth Jihad Radio Sat. 4/24/10, 5-7 pm Central, American Freedom Radio (to be archived here.) Call-in number: 512-879-3805. Is holocaust revisionism making a legitimate contribution to historical debate? (I’m grabbing this third-rail topic mainly because it’s a critically important free speech issue — where else are people being jailed for their historical interpretations? See my blog post Dear Angela Merkel: How much do Raul Hilberg and I owe you?) First hour: Thomas Dalton, author of Debating the Holocaust: A New Look at Both Sides, says yes. Dalton argues that there is a genuine and very important debate pitting the best…


History professor Mickey Huff: Was 9/11 a SCAD?

Tuesday, April 20th, 9-10 a.m. Pacific (noon-1 pm Eastern) on, to be archived here a few hours later.. Guest: Mickey Huff, associate professor of history at Diablo Valley College, Director of Project Censored/Media Freedom Foundation, and co-editor of Censored 2010. From Project Censored article “State Crimes Against Democracy” by Peter Phillips and Mickey Huff: “New research in the journal American Behavioral Scientist (Sage publications, February 2010) addresses the concept of ‘State Crimes Against Democracy (SCAD). Professor Lance deHaven-Smith from Florida State University writes that SCADs involve highlevel government officials, often in combination with private interests, that engage in covert…


War on Islam, War on Planet Earth: NWO agenda exposed on Truth Jihad Radio!

Truth Jihad Radio Sat. 4/17/10, 5-7 pm Central, American Freedom Radio (to be archived here.) Call-in number: 512-879-3805. First hour: Do scientific tests prove that someone is dumping massive quantities of toxins, including aluminum and barium, into our atmosphere…and could this be the result of a secret, criminal geo-engineering project? Guest: Michael Murphy of Truth Media Productions, hopefully joined by a scientist who has found horrifically elevated levels of these toxins in areas of alleged spraying. Second hour: Enver Masud of The Wisdom Fund and Muslims for 9/11 Truth joins us to celebrate the brand-new fifth edition of his book…


William Engdahl: No US recovery for at least 15 years!

Tuesday, April 13th, 9-10 a.m. Pacific (noon-1 pm Eastern) on, to be archived here a few hours later.. Economist William Engdahl writes for GlobalResearch and other outlets. He is the author of Gods of Money. Wall Street and the Death of the American Century (2009), Full Spectrum Dominance: Totalitarian Democracy in the New World Order (2009), Seeds of Destruction: The Hidden Agenda of GMO (2007), and A Century of War: Anglo-American Oil Politics and the New World Order (2004). In a recent interview with Russia Today, Engdahl debunks the “recovery” and says real US recovery won’t come for at…


American gulag meets ET! Jared Ball, Alfred Webre on Truth Jihad Radio

Truth Jihad Radio Sat. 4/10/10, 5-7 pm Central, American Freedom Radio (to be archived here.) Call-in number: 512-879-3805. First hour: Colonialism & media scholar Dr. Jared Ball. A professor at Morgan State University and fellow alternative radio host, Dr. Ball’s interests include “the development of alternative/underground journalism and cultural expression as mechanisms of social movements and political organization”…which is pretty much what we’re doing here at Truth Jihad Radio! In a recent essay Dr. Ball criticizes Obama for his failure to take on the prison-industrial complex or reconsider the cases of American political prisoners. Second hour: Alfred Webre, author of…


CIA on LSD! Hank Albarelli joins me this Tuesday

Tuesday, April 6th, 9-10 a.m. Pacific (noon-1 pm Eastern) on, to be archived here a few hours later… Hank Albarelli’s new book A Terrible Mistake – The Murder of Frank Olson and the CIA’s Secret Cold War Experiments does more than just solving the mystery of who killed Frank Olson and why, and exposing the CIA’s dosing of a French village with LSD. It turns over a huge rock and exposes a whole bevy of squirming monstrosities involving “Military and CIA Cold War scientific and medical experimentation in the fields of Mind Control, Psychological Operations, Interrogation, Torture, Psycho-Weaponry, Chemical…


Alan Sabrosky on the Kevin Barrett Show

“Israel did 9/11” : Conversations with/about Alan Sabrosky Alan Sabrosky will be my guest Tuesday, March 30th, on The Kevin Barrett Show, 9-10 a.m. Pacific, right after Democracy Now on NoLiesRadio.orgto be archived here a few hours later… Listen to military affairs expert Dr. Alan Sabrosky (Ph.D. University of Michigan, former director of studies at the US Army War College): “I have had long conversations over the last two weeks with contacts at the Army War College and the headquarters, Marine Corps, and I’ve made it absolutely clear in both cases that it is 100% certain that 9/11 was a…

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