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Israel Identifies the Real Existential Threat

“You see, despite the rhetoric, Israel and its supporters in Washington do not view the current dispute over Iran’s nuclear program as an ‘existential threat.’ Rather, it is viewed as another golden opportunity to bring ‘regime change’ to a country considered one of Israel ‘s adversaries, as Iraq was under Saddam Hussein.” – Ray McGovern A leaked top-secret memo from the Israeli Ministry of Secrets, Existential Threat Department has confirmed what everybody always suspected: The real existential threat facing the apartheid state of Israel is not Ahmadinejad, Hamas, or Hezbullah. The memo, entitled “Coping with the Real Threat,” begins: “It…


Splitting-the-Sky facing up to two years in prison for arrest-Bush attempt

Splitting-the-Sky will be my guest on Truth Jihad Radio Saturday, June 5th. -KB Canadian Man Could Be Sentenced to Two Years in Prison for Implementing the Law: Former US Attorney-General Ramsey Clark to Speak at the University of Calgary’s Peace Consortium in Defence of Splitting the Sky The Man Who Attempted a Citizens’ Arrest on George W. Bush Joshua BlakeneyMedia Coordinator of Globalization StudiesUniversity of Lethbridge “George Bush hasn’t suffered at all over the monumental suffering, death, and horror he has caused…no matter how many American soldiers have died on a given day in Iraq (averaging well over two every…


Should I run for Congress?

Debating pro-war, pro-bankster-bailout Rep. Ron Kind in 2008 Yes, I’m asking YOU: Should I run for Congress? Pro: We need truth-tellers like tomorrow’s radio guest  Sander Hicks, NY Senate candidate to run for national office. My wife and family are  on board and enthusiastic this time. I could coordinate my campaign with Eric Sayward, who is running in District 3 as an independent; we could do a series of “debates” around the district bashing the New World Order bankster dictatorship and calling for a peaceful uprising. Con: “Standing for Congress” requires a lot of standing, and I was recently diagnosed…


Sander Hicks, NY Senate candidate

Tuesday, May 18th, 9-10 a.m. Pacific (noon-1 pm Eastern) on (to be archived here a few hours later…) Sander Hicks, Green Party candidate for Senate Sander Hicks’ Letter to the Truth Movement 5/2/10 9/11 Truth Activist Sander Hicks Announces Run for US Senate (Green Party, NY)More Info New York City’s leading 9/11 truth author, Sander Hicks, once again is determined to do the impossible. On Friday, May 1, Hicks filed his papers with the Green Party secretary. He pledged to campaign hard on a platform of “Truth, Transparency, Peace and Real Economics” in his bid to win the Green…


Nakba Day event in Beirut: Palestinian refugee kids set world’s kafiyeh record

Last night’s Nakba Day radio special with Franklin Lamb and Gordon Duff is already going viral. (, the “best of alternative radio” channel, picked it up within minutes.) Complete show archive: “194” is the U.N. Resolution enshrining the Palestinian right of return. -KB From Debbie Menon, Franklin does not write the best satire I have ever read, and he ought to stick to reporting and scholarly analysis, but he captures very well in this story, the British “away from home” character of “Jack” who, along with so many of his like insular brothers, should stay at home where…


Incendiary Nakba Day show: going boldly where truthers have rarely gone before

Many truthers are reluctant to face the evidence linking the Israeli Mossad and its American enablers to 9/11. And most don’t know enough about the historical context of the destabilizing logic of Zionism to understand that Zionists control US Middle East policy (which 9/11 was, by other means) as well as Congress, the media, and much of organized crime and high finance, to the extent that those are separate categories. Even the good folks at the New York City Ballot Initiative aren’t talking much about 9/11 criminal Larry Silverstein and cover-up judge Alvin Hellerstein not only having rhyming names, but…


Nakba Day special edition!

Tomorrow, Saturday, May 15th, is Nakba Day, marking the commemoration of the Palestinian holocaust. In honor of the occasion I am re-posting a couple of old favorites. Also, don’t miss tomorrow’s incendiary Nakba Special Edition radio show! -KB Hamas Rescinds Nakba-Denial Law (Gaza City – UPI) The democratically-elected government of Palestine, Hamas, has rescinded its new law making Nakba-denial a crime, citing fears that hundreds of millions of Americans and Europeans would be deported to Palestine for trial if the law remained on the books. (complete story: It’s no joke! Israel criminalizes observation of Nakba My satire, unfortunately, was…


Nakba Day show with Franklin Lamb from Shatila Refugee Camp & Gordon Duff of Veterans Today

Truth Jihad Radio Sat. 5/15/10, 5-7 pm Central, American Freedom Radio (to be archived here.) Call-in number: 512-879-3805. Special Nakba Day show! First hour: International Law scholar Franklin Lamb, former Assistant Counsel of the House Judiciary, US Congress; Director, Sabra Shatila Foundation; volunteer, Lebanon Civil Rights Campaign; author, The Price We Pay: A Quarter-Century of Israel’s Use of American Weapons Against Civilians in Lebanon 1978-2006 and Hezbollah: a Brief Guide for Beginners. He is the author of numerous articles including Obama’s Mid-East Mess and the brand-new Will Hezbollah support the right to work for Palestinian refugees in Lebanon? Franklin Lamb…


Tuesday the Rabbi got wise: Rabbi Weiss of Naturei Karta joins the Kevin Barrett Show June 8th

Note: Rabbi Weiss was unable to appear on the May 11th show due to a time zone mix-up. He has been rescheduled for June 8th. Meanwhile, we are rebroadcasting an earlier interview with William Pepper, author of Act of State: The Execution of Martin Luther King, Jr.Tuesday, June 8th, 9-10 a.m. Pacific (noon-1 pm Eastern) on, to be archived here a few hours later… Meet Rabbi Yisroel Dovid Weiss of Naturei Karta: Jews United Against Zionism. The title of Alan Hart’s amazing trilogy says it all: Zionism: The Real Enemy of the Jews. Gradually, more and more Jewish people…


A generals’ revolt against Zionist domination of US policy?

Is the top US brass getting tired of working for the IDF? Tonight’s radio guest*, Religious Studies professor Ira Chernus, just published an article entitled Blood or Treasure: Obama’s Crucial Choice in the Middle East. The article begins: “Writing about U.S. Middle East policy used to be a boring job. You’d start out with ‘The U.S. supports Israel’s stand on…’ and then just fill in the details. No longer. Many pundits claim to smell the winds of policy change blowing from the White House.” Why the change? Admitting that there is little hard information, just “a riot of rumors,” Chernus…

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