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Cognitive Psychologist Slams Cass “Cognitive Diversity” Sunstein

I thought this bit of dialogue from the comments on Cognitively Infiltrating Cass Sunstein deserved its own blog entry.  My response to the psychologist draws on Shadia Drury’s reading of neocon cult founder Leo Strauss, as well as my own readings of Strauss. Speaking of which, I will be giving a talk entitled “”Islam, Neoconservatism, and the Unwarranted ‘War on Terror’” at the upcoming London symposium Debunking the War on Terror on July 14th. -KB Anonymous says: I’m retired from a private practice in psychology. Not ‘psychotherapy’ but teaching Cognitive Psych. At points it sounds like somebody is using the…


Implausible Bangs vs. Absurd Fizzles: GWOT Attacks Too Big, Then Too Small

Terrorism is a military tactic. Conventional armies use it all the time. So so the ragtag bands of irregulars who oppose them. Like all military tactics, terrorism is rational, deployed in carefully-calculated doses aimed at achieving the one overriding objective of all military effort: to get the other side to stop fighting. The so-called Global War on Terror (GWOT) has been accompanied by a septic tidal wave of propaganda designed to obscure the simple facts stated above. We are told that that terrorists are irrational fanatics bent on destruction for its own sake. That, of course, is why we must…


Zionism debate continues with Professor Ira Chernus

Tuesday, June 22nd, 9-10 a.m. Pacific (noon-1 pm Eastern) on, to be archived here a few hours later… Ira Chernus, University of Colorado – Boulder Religious Studies professor, author of many notable internet essays including The Israel Lobby’s Big Problem: People Aren’t Afraid to Criticize Israel Anymore. Ira Chernus’s last appearance on Truth Jihad Radio included a few fairly heated exchanges between plain-speaking anti-Zionist me and pro-two-state-solution Ira. He later said I sounded like I was speaking in Fox News sound-bites (knowing, as he does, that I’m such a fan of Hannity and O’Reilly). I explained that since, unlike…


Protesters Bar 9/11 Suspect Zim from US Port!

MondoWeiss reports that nearly 1000 demonstrators turned out at 5 a.m. yesterday morning in Oakand to stop the Israeli freighter Zim Shenzhen from docking–and were successful when workers from Local 10 of the International Longshore & Warehouse Union refused to cross the picket line. The Zim Shenzhen is owned by Zim Shipping Lines, which is 50% owned by the Israeli government. According to journalists Mike Ruppert and Christopher Bollyn, Zim broke its lease, and took a big financial hit, in order to move out of the 16th and 17th floors of the North Tower shortly before 9/11. This story is confirmed…


The Trial of Splitting-the-Sky: The YouTube Videos

Tony Hall, Professor of Globalization Studies at the University of Lethbridge, writes: Hi Kevin. Here’s an effort at a brief overview  with a point of entry to the 28 YouTubes we made in our Bush-STS-McKinney-Clark events. Put it to whatever use you so wish (or not). Thanks for being the number one media interpreter of our action.  Ramsey Clark Comes To Calgary to Help in the Case of Splitting The Sky versus George W. Bush: An Introduction to a New Series of You TubesBy Anthony J. HallProfessor of Globalization Studies andCo-Founder of Our Own CBC (Citizens’ Broadcasting Cooperative) 20 June,…


Doublespeak, Doublethink, Double-Standards: I Think I’m Seeing Double!

Noun  1.    doublespeak  – any language that pretends to communicate but actually does not; equivocation, evasion. 2. – a statement that is not literally false but that cleverly avoids an unpleasant truth.      –  online dictionary Remember Catch 22‘s The Man Who Saw Everything Twice? The leader of this team of doctors was a dignified,solicitous gentleman who held one finger up directlyin front of Yossarian and demanded, ‘How manyfingers do you see?”Two,’ said Yossarian.’How many fingers do you see now?’ asked the doctor,holding up two.’Two,’ said Yossarian.’And how many now?’ asked the doctor, holding up none.’Two,’ said Yossarian.The doctor’s face…


The Tail or the Dog? Debate on US-Zionist Alliance on KB Show Tuesday!

Tuesday, June 15th, 9-10 a.m. Pacific (noon-1 pm Eastern) on, to be archived here a few hours later… Philosophy professor and 9/11 truth supporter Richard Curtis debates anti-Zionist activist Jeff Blankfort on just who’s wagging whom here. Does the Israel lobby dominate US Mideast policy, as Jeff Blankfort has argued? Or is Israel just an expendable forward base for US empire, as Richard Curtis suggests? Note: Richard Curtis’s new book, to which I contributed, will be in print very soon, and may be ordered now. [Also note: I will be discussing this topic in a symposium with Gilad Atzmon…


Confessions of a Crypto-Jew

Okay, okay, I admit it! I’m a crypto-Jew! After all, John Kaminski says so. Kaminski recently sent out a mass email with the subject line “Kevin Barrett my old enemy.” Why am I Kaminski’s enemy? He calls me “the leader of the band” and explains: “Kevin Barrett, married to a Muslim or not, is a secret Jew. Just look at the guest list on his radio show — all Jews, or mostly, pushing Jewish books about 9/11. He’s a bad joke and a serious mole.” Kaminski adds that my alleged followers Gilad Atzmon, Wendy Campbell, Stephen Lendman, Adrian Salbuchi, Jim…


Why Apologize, Helen!?

Don’t get me wrong, I love Helen Thomas. Here is my email inviting her on my radio show: Dear Helen Thomas,I’m sorry to see the only honest journalist in Washington retire…and would love to interview you on my talk show!  My next openings are Saturday, June 26th, 7 to 8 pm Eastern, and Tuesday, June 29th, noon to 1 pm Eastern.  Like you, I was nudged out of my job for telling too much truth. I taught Arabic, Intro to Islam, African Literature and Folklore at the University of Wisconsin-Madison from 1995 till 2006, when I was hounded out of…

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