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First hour: Historian Laurent Guyénot discusses his new article “Fear of the Jews and the Jewish God of Terror.” It begins: ““It’s time for Jews to be feared!” declared Rabbi Shmuley recently. Jews having failed to overcome anti-Semitism by trying to be loved, respected or admired, must now make themselves feared. This is the new watchword. The problem is, if Jews want to be feared, then they must also accept being hated.”
Laurent Guyénot is the author of From Yahweh to Zion and many other books and articles. He is well-known for his revisionist interpretations of the Kennedy assassinations and 9/11.
Second hour: Oliver Boyd-Barrett is one of the few American academic experts courageous enough to challenge US and Zionist war propaganda. His article “Crocus Hall in Context: America is Behind This 100% (Ritter)” raises good questions including: “Did Victoria Nuland have any role in the Crocus Hall acts of terrorism?” His latest article “The Morality and Hypocrisy of Proxy War in a Nuclear Age” opines:
In so many different ways, there is a danger of escalation of the conflict to nuclear status. John Mearsheimer, in interview yesterday with Napolitano, seems to think this is only a small risk. But because the danger of nuclear war may only be “small,” its consequences are unimaginably awful, and the “smallness” of risk (and of course there is plenty of scope for disagreement with Mearsheimer’s assessment) is hardly a good reason for engaging in behavior that breathes continuing life into that small risk.
Oliver Boyd-Barrett is an emeritus professor of Bowling Green State University, Ohio and of California State Polytechnic University, Pomona (California). He continues to teach at the California State University, Camarillo and undertakes occasional lecturing for the Higher School of Economics in Moscow. He co-edited Russiagate Revisited: Aftermath of a Hoax and has authored or edited many other books.