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In this first hour of a special two hour live interview, Globalization Studies professor AnthonyHall begins by describing his pivot from Native Studies to 9/11 and other controversial topics after the publication of EarthintoProperty in 2010. In the second half hour we discuss the degradation of the internet by social media and commercialization, and the rise of internet censorship and other forms of techo-tyranny—possibly the decade’s biggest story.
Anthony Hall, Professor Emeritus of Globalization Studies at the University of Lethbridge, has had quite a decade! After discovering that his friend and colleague Splitting-the-Sky was right about 9/11 being a false flag, Tony became an important figure in the academic wing of the 9/11 truth movement. In 2010 he published Earth into Property, which garnered such rave reviews as “I cannot overstate the importance of this book” (Naomi Klein) and became one of the leading mainstream academic books offering a pro-9/11-truth perspective.
In late 2015 Tony joined me in Paris to crash the Islamophobia Conference that had invited me and then decided to ban me (by order of the ADL?) in the wake of the11.13.15 false flag. In addition to enlivening the proceedings of the official event, we also put on our own alternative False Flag Islamophobia Conference.
Throughout the decade Tony (like me) has been traveling regularly to Iran to participate in New Horizon conferences. But unlike me, he was able to attend the most recent one—from which US Americans were banned.
The biggest event (and biggest headache) of Tony’s decade was undoubtedly the Zionist witch-hunt against him spearheaded by Bnai Brith.