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“All over the world people are rising up!” That’s the superficial view of protesting crowds in the streets in Hong Kong, Lebanon, Iraq, Iran, Bolivia, Spain, Chile, Brazil, Argentina, Venezuela, Ecuador, France, and elsewhere. But are all these situations identical? Is it always the same story: People angered by economic issues, protesting against governmental corruption? Are the people always good, and the governments always bad? And why do some protests get vastly more mainstream media coverage than others?
Today’s guest, globetrotting gadfly Andre Vltchek (check out his new book) has seen many of these situations firsthand. He is familiar with most of the nations where such protests are happening. And he says that there are basically two kinds of protest movements: the authentic ones directed against the bankster-capitalist-run US-NATO neoliberal Empire and its local stooges; and the Empire-funded phony color revolutions and rent-a-mob-driven coup attempts against governments targeted by the Empire.
As I wrote in a forthcoming Crescent International article:
Why are many of the protestors in Hong Kong, Iraq, Lebanon, and Iran lashing out at the wrong targets? Primarily because they are being manipulated by their real oppressors. All of these protests show signs of being infiltrated by CIA-linked networks responsible for the rise of “color revolutions” around the world. CIA color revolutions, given plausible deniability through USAID, NED, and NGO front groups, are a 5thGeneration Warfare (5GW) tactic aimed at pressuring, destabilizing, and overthrowing governments that resist imperial plunder.
The Hong Kong protests are re-using the original color revolution color—black, the symbol of OTPOR, the CIA-sponsored protest movement that overthrew Milošević in Serbia. CIA proxies lavished many tens of millions of dollars on OTPOR during the late 1990s, financing the disguised coup that overthrew Milošević on 5 October 2000. The same agencies, and presumably some of the same individuals, are undoubtedly behind the Hong Kong riots, whose purpose is to destabilize China on behalf of US imperialism.
The CIA’s OTPOR veterans are obviously present in Lebanon (and presumably Iraq and Iran). Sometimes they don’t even bother to disguise themselves. Consider the photo below taken by Andre Vltchek, which shows a huge a CIA-manufactured OTPOR clenched black fist with the Arabic word thawra (“revolution”)—a stronger version of the Serb otpor (“resistance”).

‘Gustave’ seems like a homie who was ahead of his time :
* “By the mere fact that he forms part of an organised crowd, a man descends several rungs in the ladder of civilisation. Isolated, he may be a cultivated individual; in a crowd, he is a barbarian — that is, a creature acting by instinct. He possesses the spontaneity, the violence, the ferocity, and also the enthusiasm and heroism of primitive beings, whom he further tends to resemble by the facility with which he allows himself to be impressed by words and images — which would be entirely without action on each of the isolated individuals composing the crowd — and to be induced to commit acts contrary to his most obvious interests and his best-known habits. An individual in a crowd is a grain of sand amid other grains of sand, which the wind stirs up at will.’ – The Crowd: A Study of the Popular Mind (‘Psychologie des Foules’) by ‘Gustave Le Bon’ (1895).
* “Civilisations as yet have only been created and directed by a small intellectual aristocracy, never by crowds. Crowds are only powerful for destruction. Their rule is always tantamount to a barbarian phase. A civilisation involves fixed rules, discipline, a passing from the instinctive to the rational state, forethought for the future, an elevated degree of culture — all of them conditions that crowds, left to themselves, have invariably shown themselves incapable of realising. In consequence of the purely destructive nature of their power crowds act like those microbes which hasten the dissolution of enfeebled or dead bodies. When the structure of a civilisation is rotten, it is always the masses that bring about its downfall.” – The Crowd: A Study of the Popular Mind (‘Psychologie des Foules’) by ‘Gustave Le Bon’ (1895).
Screw ‘civilisation’. Let’s go back to basics and worship Allah in peace. This planet gives its bounties for free : Food, Water and Shelter. Why do you think Monsanto-Bayer are imposing GMO suicide seeds all over the planet ?. Now it is not only the seed that commits suicides, but farmers all over the planet, sadly.
If you are advocating for ‘civilisation’, you are inherently advocating for a rulung class and therefore begging to be ruled and enslaved by parasites and their opportunistic minions madly craving “a job”.
‘Civilusation’ !!!. What good a train capable of doing 250 mph, when the roaring pit of Hell will be asking to be fed obsolete humans, jinns and idols ?.
Even before that day, what good the latest technologies can do for you when you are living through daily stress and unrelenting spiritual distress and anxiety ?.
A few days ago, I came across a picture of Al Pacino and De Niro. They were laughing (so fake) and there was some info on what they were wearing (see below). I felt sorry for both of them :
On Pacino: Coat, $6,650, by Berluti / Sweater, $495, by Ralph Lauren / Pants, $850, Loro Piana / Sunglasses, $300, Moscot / Ring (on right hand), $1,100, by Konstantino / Ring (on left hand), his own |
On De Niro: Jacket, $2,695, by Giorgio Armani / Turtleneck, $40, by Uniqlo / Pants, $3,200 (for suit), by Louis Vuitton
Actually I felt more sorry for Al Pacino : his pant is dirt cheap compare to De Niro’s. (LOL)
Great listening to Andre- a man of the world though pity he always prefers to dodge the 911 issue
I agree with him that people in the US no matter how much evidence you give them about the corruption and conspiracies their own governments have carried out against the American people, they are too ‘lazy’ or indifferent to actually do anything about it. Similar here in the UK though citizens here DO go out onto the streets in their thousands whereas in America, it IS a shameful trickle of 100 or so. Guess their Police State Shoot to kill [courtesy of Israeli Police training] and then ask questions later scares them off!
Americans brag about their [FAKE] democracy and their ‘Values’ but sadly and cowardly, they do NOTHING to protect it en masse. And the few brave righteous souls with some integrity and conscience who dare speak out, are insistently labelled as Conspiracy theorists or home grown dissidents!! That is actually a reflection of most Western countries. In contrast, look at South America and even the Arab nations who have had the courage to go onto the streets and protest, confront the rampant corruption or political/military violence of the leaders installed not through democratic process but installed by Foreign meddling Governments like the UK, America and Israel.
I strongly believe in true socialism, which we have in Islam also but not the Communist variety which is hypocrisy and can be autocratic. Communism was after all created by Jewish Zionists.
I hope and pray the Peoples of Latin America will one day succeed in ousting American and Israeli tyranny in their countries and be at last free to look after their own indigenous people , their needs, their rights, their freedoms.
Thank you Andre for trying to wake up too many still comatosed citizenry who until it huts them personally, in their own ‘backyard’, are unwilling to stand up for what is right for all and not just the few.
Always a pleasure listening to Andre, thank you Kevin