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FFWN 3/15/2019: Beware the Ides of March (and Purim 9/11 celebrations)

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1) Expose hidden history, support FFWN!

2) March 20: Purim – Festival of Esther – Israel celebrates successful 9/11 op,7340,L-4351384,00.html

2A) Multiple victims in shootings at 2 New Zealand mosques, 4 suspects in custody

2B) Israel slams New Zealand government for regretting deaths of murdered Muslims in Gaza

3) March 14: All-time biggest Israeli fundraiser Mickey Cohen’s hitman Jack Rubenstein convicted of silencing JFK patsy Lee Harvey Oswald

4) March 15: Beware the Ides of March — Warmongers’ Favorite Month

9/11 Breakthrough?

5) Lawyers’ Committee ‘Names Names’ in New 9/11 Grand Jury Filing

Ihan Omar Redux

6) Ilhan Omar: Breaking AIPAC’S Code of Silence

7) Washington Loyalty to Israel (Press TV Debate)

8) Obama was a smiling murderer, says Ilhan Omar… then tries to backtrack

War on Freedom

9) Facebook Bans Zero Hedge

10) Facebook temporarily removes Elizabeth Warren ads about breaking up big tech

11) Elizabeth Warren wants to break up Google, Amazon and Facebook

12) Amazon Book Censorship: Banning Black Historiography During Black History Month

13) Amazon bans Prof. Kevin MacDonald’s scholarly books

14) Jewish Media Bully Amazon Into Banning Academic Books Which Honestly Investigate the ‘Holocaust’

15) “Lawyers for Israel” censorship attempt quashed—victory for free speech

War on Palestine

16) Benjamin Netanyahu: Israel is a state ‘only of the Jewish people’

17) Wonder Woman takes Bibi to the woodshed

War on Yemen

18) US Senate passes Yemen war resolution, refusing to back Trump’s support for Saudi-led coalition

19) Pompeo: We have no problem working with human rights pariahs

War on Somalia

20) Trump bombs Somalia murders 100+/month

War on Venezuela 

21) NYT: Footage Contradicts U.S. Claim That Maduro Burned Aid Convoy

22) US backed regime change consultancy CANVAS analyzed how to topple Chavez, including by exploiting electricity outages

23) Lucas Koerner: ‘The Situation on the Ground Has Been Mostly Calm’

War on Syria

24) Syria Ready for War to Regain Oil-Rich Golan Heights?

War on Russia and China

25 )Pentagon overjoyed by nuke treaty’s demise—testing banned weapons like there’s no tomorrow

26) U.S. “Gets Its Ass Handed To It” In World War III Simulation: RAND

27) America’s greatest living theologian John Cobb thinks China’s rise might save the planet

Elite College Admissions Scams

28) 50 snared in elite college cheating scam, authorities say

29) Flashback: Ron Unz on Jewish Strategizing to Maintain 1000% Overrepresentation in the Ivy League

War on Tucker Carlson

30) Tucker Carlson: We’re becoming an authoritarian society

31) Stifling Carlson because he’s provocative? Or because he’s not part of the pro-war chorus?

War on Anti-Semitism

32) Anti-Semitism Pandemic!

33) Just in time to justify book bannings! “High school plastered with swastikas after Holocaust survivor visit” – Is Michael Kadar out on parole?

34) Anne Frank’s stepsister teaches HS students not to make beer cup swastikas at parties

3 Thoughts to “FFWN 3/15/2019: Beware the Ides of March (and Purim 9/11 celebrations)”

  1. […] FFWN 3/15/2019: Beware the Ides of March (and Purim 9/11 celebrations) […]

  2. Olivier

    It says the video is not available… Watching from Mexico.

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