Broadcast live 8 to 10 pm Eastern on Revolution.Radio
For more information about topics discussed in this show, see Barbara Honegger’s Toronto Hearings paper “Eyewitnesses for and Evidence of Explosives at the Pentagon”
Barbara Honegger, MS, has served tours in the Ronald Reagan White House and at the Department of Justice. From 1995 to 2011 she was Senior Military Affairs Journalist at the Naval Postgraduate School, the top U.S. military science and technology graduate research university. She is the author of October Surprise on the Iran side of of the Iran/Contra scandal and has since 9/11 been among the leading researchers and public speakers documenting the falseness of the official narrative, producing, among other works, the YouTube documentaries Behind the Smoke Curtain and 9/11 Museum Virtual Walking Tour, and the white paper The Pentagon Attack Papers. Her work has been recognized by both U.S. and international Truth Movement organizations. She is a Board Member of the Lawyers’ Committee for 9/11 Inquiry and a founding member of Political Leaders for 9/11 Truth. She holds a BA from Stanford, an MS from JFK University, and masters level certification in national security decision-making from the Naval War College. Ms. Honegger has run twice for Congress in California.
[…] a very different perspective, listen to Barbara Honegger on my radio show, and read her Toronto Hearings paper “Eyewitnesses for and Evidence of Explosives at the […]