By Kevin Barrett, Veterans Today Editor
My Catholic friend Martin Hill just wrote to me on the occasion of the death George H.W. Bush:
As a Catholic I hope no one of God’s creatures will go to hell. To wish such on anyone would be evil & demonstrate a fundamental misunderstanding of the seriousness of what hell actually is. When I heard the news of Bush’s death we prayed for his soul.
OK Martin, I see your point. But for little ole Muslim me, praying for the soul of George H.W. Bush seems a waste of perfectly good prayer space. Talk about a hail Mary!
Then again, Ibn al-Arabi, the all-time greatest mystical philosopher, opined that ultimate everyone goes back to God, i.e. goes to Paradise, and that hell is not quite eternal…it just feels that way. So who am I to say what God will do with the soul of one of the most evil men ever to disgrace the face of planet Earth?
Martin suggests I re-run his “NBC honors Bush” piece from 2012. Et voila!
Defense Contractor NBC honors ailing war criminal George H.W. Bush with Freemasonic “33 photo” propaganda tribute

(December 27, 2012) -A few points to start out: NBC is not an impartial media outlet. George H.W. Bush is not a respectable, admirable man or a national hero. And “33” is not an insignificant number- It is quite relevant and meaningful, in some circles at least.
NBC is owned by General Electric, a “defense contractor and the 2nd largest company in world according to Forbes“, which has received over $16 billion dollars in bailouts from American taxpayers. They build and sell engines for the F-16 fighter aircraft and Apache Block III helicopters. For them, war is literally a profit racket; so it makes sense that they would “honor” warmongers.
NBC news far from impartial- they shill for the military-industrial complex and in 2003, fired Pulitzer Prize winning journalist Peter Arnett after Arnett reported the truth from Iraq: “America is reappraising the battlefield, delaying the war against Iraq, maybe a week and rewriting the war plan. The first plan has failed because of Iraqi resistance. Now they are trying to write another plan- So our reports about civilian casualties here, about the resistance of the Iraqi forces, are going back to the United States. It helps those who oppose the war when you challenge the policy to develop their arguments.”
As Steve Watson of PrisonPlanet.comreported in 2010,
“MSNBC is the epitome of the controlled corporate mainstream media, being as it is 80% owned by General Electric, operated by military industrial complex giant General Dynamics, whose primary business comes from supplying arms and weapons systems to the US government and its international allies. It is not and never has been sympathetic to anti-establishment or anti-war activism – this is the same network that cancelled Jesse Ventura’s talk show simply because he opposed the Iraq war”.
On December 26, NBC reported “George H.W. Bush in ‘guarded condition’ in intensive care, battling elevated fever, spokesman says”. NBC didn’t even break the story. Twenty days earlier on December 6, THE GLOBE tabloid magazine had already broke the story which hit supermarket checkout racks, with a front cover photo and headline which read “GEORGE BUSH, 88, PLEADS: LET ME DIE AT HOME!” The GLOBE article stated in part, “Hospitalized with a dangerous lung condition, former President George H.W. Bush knows his days are numbered and has asked to be allowed to die at home.”
Featured prominantly in the Johnny-come-lately NBC article was an elaborate slideshow, titled ‘The life and times of George H.W. Bush‘. Coincidentally, the slideshow presentation includes thirty-three photos, summarizing the 41st president’s life. The collection of historic and ‘cute’ photos attempts to present a dignified, affable codger who deserves to be honored. In reality, nothing could be further from the truth.
The number thirty-three holds quite a significance in Freemasonic circles. The numbers 11, 13 and 33 are the Illuminati / Freemason Signature. In their propaganda piece preceding the likely demise of the freemasonic former president, there are many flattering photos of Bush with family, with other politicians, playing horseshoes, etc. But NBC left out several photos of the REAL George H.W. Bush which should have been included.

There are no photos of George H.W. Bush in Dallas on the morning of John F. Kennedy’s assassination standing in front of the Texas Book Depository in Dealey Plaza, but the photos can be seen here. The photo of the FBI memo acknowledging that Bush was a CIA opeative at that time can be seen here: “FBI director J. Edgar Hoover wrote this memo 5 days after the assassination, naming George Bush as a CIA officer… “The substance of the forgoing information was orally furnished to Mr. George Bush of the Central Intelligence Agency and Captain William Edwards of the Defense Intelligence Agency on November 23, 1963, by Mr. V.T. Forsyth of this Bureau.”
There are no photos of George H.W. Bush at the MENA, Arkansas drug running operation with Bill Clinton. The allegation “that Mena is a myth, that the CIA never ran cocaine through the Mena airport, or laundered the proceeds through various Arkansas financial institutions including Morgan Guarantee, Madison S&L, Worthen Bank, and most importantly, the Arkansas Development Finance Authority” is thoroughly debunked here. There is no photo of George Bush with legendary CIA agent Felix Rodriguez a.k.a. “Mr. Gomez” who ran the Mexican portion of the Iran-Contra guns and drug running operation on MSNBC, but the photo can be seen here. [Also here for more information on Mena.]
There are no photos of George H.W. Bush with the underage male homosexual hookers that admittedly toured his White House in 1989, as acknowledged in national newspapers and on the national TV news at the time: See TV News: Call boys in Bush Sr’s Whitehouse and the actual newspaper articles from The Washington Times: HOMOSEXUAL PROSTITUTION INQUIRY ENSNARES VIPS WITH REAGAN, BUSH June 29, 1989. [More info on this matter here and here.]
There are no photos of George H.W. Bush reacting to the half a million innocent Iraqis who died a s a result of of his sanctions during the first Iraq war. Secretary of State Madeleine Albright told 60 Minutes on May 12, 1996 that the deaths were “worth it”:
Lesley Stahl: “We have heard that a half million children have died. I mean, that’s more children than died in Hiroshima. And, you know, is the price worth it?”
Albright: I think this is a very hard choice, but the price -we think the price is worth it.”
Perhaps Bush shares the same views as his wife Barbara, who told ABC’s “Good Morning America” on March 18, 2003 “Why should we hear about body bags and deaths? Oh, I mean, it’s not relevant. So why should I waste my beautiful mind on something like that?” In December 2011, current Defense Secretary Leon Panetta, who was formerly the CIA Director, similarly said that the systematic slaughter of 1.5 million Iraqis and the destruction of their nation was also “worth it”: “As difficult as [the Iraq invasion and occupation] was, and the cost in both American and Iraqi lives, “I think the price has been worth it, to establish a stable government in a very important region of the world”.

There are no photos of George H.W. Bush at his Masonic Yale Skulll and Bones ‘tomb’ which admitedly has skeletins of dead human babies hanging on the walls: “Dozens of skeletons and skulls, human and animal, dangle from the walls, on which German and Latin phrases have been chiseled (“Whether poor or rich, all are equal in death”) [Skull & Bones Society – A rare look inside Skull and Bones, the Yale secret society by Alexandra Robbins. See also Cremationofcare skull & bones archive and Bilderberg.org for more details on this matter.]
Bush’s father Prescott, the Nazi financier, and his son, George W. Bush, were also both members of Skull and Bones. In his autobiography, George W. Bush wrote “My senior year (at Yale University) I joined Skull and Bones, a secret society … so secret, I can’t say anything more.” [White House ‘Bonesman’ leads nation into the darkUSATODAY 9/25/02.] In 2004 both George W. Bush and his cousin John Kerry laughed about the secrecy of their Skull and Bones memberships in separate TV interviews, which can be seen here.
NBC included no photos of George H.W. Bush taking part in occult ceremonies at Bohemian Grove performing mock human sacrifies to Molech and worshiping satan with other attendees Newt Gingrich, Henry Kissinger and Arnold Schwarzenegger. But photos of the Bushes, father and son together at Bohemian Grove, can be seen in the Annals of the Bohemian Club (vol 7), 1987-1996. Also inlcuded in the book are images from the occult Cremation of Care ceremony:
“This image from Page 131 shows the ancient Caananite occult ritual, the “Cremation of Care Here you see a smug George W. Bush with his father, Bush Senior (taken in 1995) giving what they call a “lakeside chat” at the Grove. This page also shows Newt Gingrich, another member. The talks are given no less than a dozen yards from the stone idol where “mock” human sacrifices take place. This is the same idol you see featured above in the Cremation of Care ceremony photo.”
For much more information and documentation on this matter, click here.
Speaking of skeletons of dead babies and human sacrifices, there are no photos of George H.W. Bush with his young daughter “Robin Bush” before she mysteriously died at a young age, allegedly from “lukemia”. It is on record that George W. Bush did not go to his sisters funeral. What kind of family doesnt let a brother go to his little sister’s funeral? What did they do with her body? One can only speculate as to how she really died or where her body went.

There is no photo of George H.W. Bush with 62-year-old Bertha O. Champagne, the live-in housekeeper who was ‘crushed to death’ at the Alexandria, Virginia home of Marvin P. Bush. According to Marvin’s statement to police, Bertha went out to her car to retrieve some photos of her and George W. Bush to show to Marvin, on September 29th 2003 . How does one get crushed to death by her own Oldsmobile between the front of her car and a wall anyway? “Champagne was pinned between the car and a small building next to the driveway” the police report stated, with pools of blood and broken glass at the scene. No one was ever arrested or charged in the “accident.” (Oh Bertha, Poor Bertha, what did you see?)
There is no photo of George H.W. Bush having dinner with his good friends the Hinckley family the night before their son John Hinckley shot and tried to murder Ronald Reagan. Rense.com reports “NBC news anchor John Chancellor, eyebrows raised, informed the viewers of the nightly news that the man who tried to kill the president was acquainted with the son of the man who would have become president had the attack succeeded. As a matter of fact, Chancellor reported in a bewildered tone, Scott Hinckley and Neil Bush had been scheduled to have dinner together at the home of the (then) vice-president’s son (Neil) the very next night. The story of the Bush-Hinckley connection was reported on the AP and UPI newswires and in some newspapers, including the Houston Post, which apparently originated the story. It was also reported in Newsweek magazine.”
There is no photo of George H. W. Bush weeping and babbling about the JFK assasination in front of a large audiences at innapropriate times. Apparently a tormented guilty conscience shows through at times, even in the hardest cases. In December 2006, Bush senior sobbed and covered his face while speaking about his son Jeb at a large Florida gathering. The very next month, in January 2007, Daddy Bush Attacked JFK “Conspiracy Theorists”. Paul Joseph Watson of PrisonPlanet.com reported
“Former President triumphs Warren Commission at Ford’s funeral; Are the Bush’s breaking down?
During his speech at yesterday’s funeral service for Gerald Ford, former President George H.W. Bush bashed JFK “conspiracy theorists” and defended the Warren Commission report, another odd public outburst indicative of a crime family whose decades of misdeeds may finally be catching up with them. “After a deluded gunman assassinated President Kennedy, our nation turned to Gerald Ford and a select handful of others to make sense of that madness,” said Bush. “And the conspiracy theorists can say what they will, but the Warren Commission report will always have the final definitive say on this tragic matter. Why? Because Jerry Ford put his name on it and Jerry Ford’s word was always good.”
Despite the Bush family presenting the facade of being “respectable pro-life Christians” for the gullible Republican voting block, there are no photos of George H.W. Bush praising his friend eugencist Margaret Sanger or attacking the Roman Pontiff Pope Paul VI and demanding worldwide population control as he did publicly on the House floor while a Congressman in the 1960’s, which is outlined in the official Congressional record. Our 2008 entry George H.W. Bush: Evil Population Control Ghoul- “Rubbers Goes To Congress”outlines a brief summary, as well as a youtube video, covering little known details of George H. W. Bush’s vehement advocacy of global population control when he was a Congressman in the late 1960’s. Includes congressional testimony of Bush’s attacks on the Pope and his support of planned parenthood. Excerpts are from the excellent book “George Bush: The Unauthorized Biography” by Webster G. Tarpley & Anton Chaitkin Chapter X: Rubbers Goes to Congress [Available to read for free here. Excerpt at bottom of this page. See also Bush, Kissinger, Sanger and Ginsburg: All Eugenicists.]
Lastly, MSNBC presented no photo of George H. W. Bush being confronted by an educated and outraged patriotic American, who told him off in public in 2010. After being responsible for the murder and sterilization of countless millions of people worldwide, the degenerate coward occultist George H.W. Bush didn’t have the guts to say a single word in response to one man who had the courage to call him a “muderous, Zionist piece of $#%@!” to his face at a Houston Pizza Place. Instead, he used his government guards to try and bully the man, unsuccessfully. I am proud to say that this man, Greg, has been a friend of mine for many years and this dedicated truth-seeker’s act of speaking “truth to power” is not only admirable, but is a model for the rest of us:
[Watch video: How an old Bush can ruin a good lunch Jan 9, 2010.]
“January 6, 2010 – As if a restaurant’s shrine to a mass murderer and featured menu items in the name of the diabolical traitor to America weren’t enough, George Bush Sr. himself arrived when I was eating lunch with friends. Although I’m aware of many of his countless crimes against humanity, my mind went blank when it came to speaking out. It’s a wonderful thought for me to imagine these killers being scolded each and every time they appear in public.”
The Secret Service later called Greg’s friends and even came knocking on his door: Confronting a killer Part II: The Secret Service visit Jan 13, 2010
Q: What happens when you confront an ex-president and former head of the CIA?
A: The Secret Service visit you at home.
Thank you all for the overwhelming support! It means so very much to me.
It is an honor to know I was speaking for millions around the world when I shared my disgust with the so-called man.
On January 12, 2010 InfoWars reported: Man Who Confronted Bush Senior On Tape Visited by Secret Service:
“The video blogger who confronted international war criminal and top-drawer minion of the New World Order, George Bush Senior, was visited by the Secret Service after posting a video of the incident on YouTube. Earlier today he wrote an email to HoustonTruth.org:
Wanted to make you all aware that I was just visited by the Secret Service.
I stupidly opened the door, but then closed and locked it and told them I’d be right back with them. Then I put a tape in my camera and started to record. They told me they can’t talk on camera and left.
Thought you all should know in case I go missing, etc. No word as of this post if the Secret Service returned. The video in question follows. Please note the video contains strong language.” [See also O’Reilly demands ‘deranged’ Bush heckler be arrested
Hopefully, this collection will serve as a concise outline of the actual legacy of George H. W. Bush. And hopefully, for his own sake, this dreadful conspirator will repent for his own good before he meets his maker.
Martin Hill is a Catholic paleoconservative and civil rights advocate. His work has been featured on LewRockwell.com, WhatReallyHappened, Infowars, PrisonPlanet, Economic Policy Journal, FreedomsPhoenix, Veterans Today, The Wayne Madsen Report, Devvy.com, Rense, Antiwar.com, IamtheWitness.com, National Motorists Association, RomanCatholicReport.com, WorldNetDaily, ZionCrimeFactory.com, The Orange County Register, KNBC4 Los Angeles, Los Angeles Catholic Lay Mission Newspaper, KFI 640, The Press Enterprise, BlackBoxVoting, and many others. Archives can be found at LibertyFight.com