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Florida Atlantic University communications professor James Tracy was tenured – meaning he was supposedly free to research and speak out on the most controversial issues without fear of punishment from his university. But the tenure system failed, and academic freedom was shredded, when FAU administrators harassed him, then fired him, for challenging mainstream reporting on the Sandy Hook school shooting, the Boston bombing, and the 2015 Paris terror attacks. Dr. Tracy sued the university administration, the individual administrators, and his faculty union (which failed to defend him and sided with the witch hunt). He lost at the first level, when a jury was bamboozled into accepting the university’s ludicrous assertion that Dr. Tracy’s firing had nothing to do with his controversial positions on false flag issues, but was instead due to Tracy’s filling out an obscure and absurd bureaucratic form a few hours past the deadline!
But the case is far from over. James Tracy is appealing to the 11th circuit in Atlanta, where – away from the “company town” of South Florida where all parties conspired in his legal lynching – he may finally be able to get a fair hearing.