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Barbara Honegger, a leader in both the research and activism wings of the 9/11 truth movement, joins Truth Jihad Radio for a run-down of truth movement breakthroughs of 2017…and what to expect in 2018.
We discuss 2017 events including the huge 9/11 Revisited event in Detroit (watch it here); the Left Out Forum; and the brand new professional video of the historic Sept. 8th NYC 9/11 truth event featuring Barbara’s 9/11 Museum Virtual Walking Tour.
What’s coming in 2018? Barbara thinks the Meuller investigation is going to bring Trump down this year. She expects the world will continue to resist Trump’s Jerusalem declaration – and that most of the world will officially recognize East Jerusalem as the capital of Palestine. Will Trump and his boss Netanyahu “flee forward” into a major wag-the-dog war? Barbara says senior US military commanders will not permit a nuclear war. And she foresees an escalating cascade of 9/11 truth breakthroughs, perhaps beginning with an important action by the Lawyers Committee for 9/11 Inquiry expected in the fairly near future.
How about the NY Times’ sudden interest in UFOs? What’s that about? Barbara suspects a huge Pentagon disinfo program is at work, and recommends this article by Jon Rappaport.
Barbara Honegger is a leading researcher, author and public speaker on the 9/11 Pentagon attack and the anthrax attacks. Check out her new film: 9/11 Museum Virtual Walking Tour…and her previous work including Behind the Smoke Curtain, Chapter 13 in the Toronto 9/11 Report, The Pentagon Attack Papers, The Scarlet A (on the anthrax attacks), and “A Tale of Two Cities” (included in my edited book We Are NOT Charlie Hebdo).
Barbara Honegger has served in high-level positions in the U.S. Federal Government, including White House Policy Analyst and Special Assistant to the Assistant to the President. Her pioneering book October Surprise, on the deep story behind the Iran side of the Iran/Contra scandal, now confirmed by formerly classified documents, led to a full-subpoena-power U.S. Congressional investigation. From 2000 to 2011, Ms. Honegger served as Senior Military Affairs Journalist at the Naval Postgraduate School, the premiere science, technology and national security affairs graduate research university of the U.S. Department of Defense. She was the only invited researcher to testify at both the historic Toronto 9/11 Hearings on the 10th Anniversary of 9/11 and the follow-on Vancouver Hearings six months later. She is one of 50 founding current and former high-level government, military and intelligence officials to call for a new 9/11 investigation at PatriotsQuestion911.com, and one of 20 charter members of Political Leaders for 9/11 Truth. Ms. Honegger has a Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) degree from Stanford University; a Master of Science (M.S.) degree in Experimental Psychology from John F. Kennedy University; and Masters level certification in National Security Decision-making from the Naval War College, all in the U.S.
Barbara wrote the original October Surprise – which she discusses with me HERE – a book later riffed on (some say plagiarized?) by Gary Sick. Listen to Gary Sick on Truth Jihad Radio
Here is the brand-new video Barbara mentions in the interview:
My compliments to Barbara Honegger for calling the veracity of the 911 Museum into question , and then some .