Friday 1/29 – Listen live – 8 to 10 pm Eastern on Revolution Radio: – click on the “Studio B” button. To be rebroadcast Sunday 11 a.m. to 12:45 p.m. Eastern on and then archived at the usual spot. Help Kevin keep these shows on the air – become a subscriber today!
We also discuss the case of Mohamed Harkat, who is being tortured in a long-term Canadian Franz Kafka scenario. His wife Sophie Harkat writes:

This year marks the 13th anniversary of my husband Mohamed Harkat’s arrest under a secret trial Security Certificate. Moe was detained behind bars for 43 months and has been held under several types of house-arrest/bail conditions (the toughest in Canadian history) over the past 13 years. All that, without ever being charged or knowing the so-called evidence against him. During the middle of the election campaign, Moe was suddenly issued his inadmissibility letter under a Harper government, kickstarting a deportation process against Moe that has him fighting forced return to Algeria, where he is at great risk of detention, torture or death because of the never-proven allegations against him.
Under section 42.1 (1) of IRPA it states: The Minister may, on application by a foreign national, declare that the matters referred to in section 34, paragraphs 35(1)(b) and (c) and subsection 37(1) do not constitute inadmissibility in respect of the foreign national if they satisfy the Minister that it is not contrary to the national interest.
Email us your letter of support which we will present to Minister Goodale. We even supply you with a template (see below; un lien vers la version Française disponible ci-dessous.)
Also, please consider forwarding to your friends, family, your union or any organization that you are a part of. Get them to send a letter too. We are very far from our goal of 1000+ letters. Only 200 of you have emailed your letters so far. Make sure to include your name and full address at the bottom of your email and once completed please send to the minister of public safety and to us at
*This is an opportunity to ask this new government to exercise its discretion and make a decision that is humanitarian and compassionate in the best sense of the words. PLEASE EMAIL LETTERS BY February 5th, 2016 (new and final deadline.) After all those support letters are collected, we will then request a personal meeting with the Public Safety Minister, Hon. Ralph Goodale and present him with the file (of support letters and supporting documents from groups/organisations) to prove that Moe should not be sent back to Algeria where his life is in danger.
We have NO LEGAL AID So donations are desperately needed to continue our legal battle. We need to raise $12 000. Please send cheques or money orders to: The Justice for Mohamed Harkat Committee 14 Perkins Street, Ottawa, ON, K1R 7G5 or you can do e-transfer at . We would really appreciate any donation big or small. Let us put an end to this!!! Please help us make this a reality.
I just heard the other woman in the truck with Lavoy Finicum – her name is Shawna Cox – give her account of the incident in Oregon for about 40 minutes on the Dave Hodges show. She sounded totally believable.
The Feds set that situation up and executed Finicum. They started firing on the truck before it even stopped in the snow-bank. Shawna Cox thinks that Finicum jumped out of the truck immediately in order to draw fire so that the people in the truck wouldn't die. But they fired over 100 rounds into the truck AFTER Finicum was shot dead. We are living in an overt, totalitarian police state.
Gordon Duff and Jim Dean are either (1) TOTALLY full of themselves AND full of shit OR (2) working some unspoken agenda here. Maybe they under orders not to give credence to anything that would expose the overt police-state that the USA is rapidly becoming.
Hopefully that show will be posted tomorrow.
I agree.
VT sometimes annoys me, this is one of those times.
On your recent FFWN show you mentioned Jewish billionaire Michael Bloomberg, former mayor of New York, who is threatening to jump into the presidential race (again). I'm sure the establishment would be happy to see him step in if it looks like Hillary might fumble the ball.
With a net worth of $38 billion, he's #8 on the Forbes 400 list. He's also a member of the CFR, and here's his recent discussion on "climate change" with the friendly audience there:
He would have fun sparring with his golfing buddy Donald Trump, with fellow billionaire Rupert Murdoch urging him on: