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Graeme MacQueen: Did “Canadian 9/11” fizzle – and take down Harper?

Broadcast here October 23rd, 10-11:00 a.m. Central (1500 GMT). For only $3.95 a month you can listen to shows on-demand before they are broadcast – and also get free downloads and other perks from Kevin! If you are a subscriber, just log in to the members area of to get early access to the shows. Non-subscribers only get access to the No Lies Radio show archives the day after the broadcast here. Help Kevin keep these shows on the air – become a subscriber today!

Today is the first anniversary of the 10/22/2014 “iconic attack” in Ottawa. It was supposed to be the Canadian 9/11. It helped pass Bill C-51, the Canadian version of the Patriot Act. But politically, it may have fizzled…as witnessed by the recent collapse of the neocon-backed Stephen Harper regime, whose hysterical hyping of the “terrorist threat to Canada” alienated much of the electorate.

Graeme MacQueen, Professor emeritus at McMaster University, has written a careful, thoroughly documented report raising questions about “10/22”:


Professor MacQueen is also the author of the most important book on the anthrax component of the fall 2001 9/11-anthrax event:

The 2001 Anthrax Deception: The Case for a Domestic Conspiracy (reviewed here).

Like 9/11-anthrax, the 10/22 Ottawa shootings terrorized a nation’s capital and its legislature. Like 9/11-anthrax, 10/22 greased the skids for a pre-drafted bill giving the security services emergency powers. And like hundreds of US cases discussed in Trevor Aaronson’s The Terror Factory (and like the John Nutall terror entrapment case in Vancouver) the 10/22 Ottawa shootings show signs of having been manufactured by the same security services that benefit hugely from such incidents.

Could the demise of the Harper regime lead to official Canadian inquiries into 10/22, 9/11-anthrax, and other apparent neocon PR stunts hyping the phony “war on terror”? Or are Canadians too timid to  rise up and help save what’s left of Western civilization?

2 Thoughts to “Graeme MacQueen: Did “Canadian 9/11” fizzle – and take down Harper?”

  1. Anonymous

    If they weren't James Sears would be in office.

    "You have the right to do anything you want, provided you do not violate anyone else’s rights in the process, and do no harm to the Earth, its flora or its fauna…

    Government must be transparent . . . Specifically, government and corporations have conspired in a fascist-like suppression of the truth when it comes to the North American Aboriginal Holocaust, the trans-Atlantic black African and white Irish slave Holocausts, and the Russian & Ukrainian Orthodox Christian Holocausts (where 50 Million people were slaughtered by Marxists whilst Stalin said 'The death of one person is a tragedy; the death of a million people is a statistic'). It is disingenuous to financially support and promote a 'Human Rights Museum' that focuses solely on one group, and even in that case, presents wildly exaggerated, bordering on grossly false propaganda about their plight…

    You have the right to a government that works in the best interests of the Canadian people, and does not base its foreign or domestic policy on the interests of foreign governments, or lobby groups representing special interest groups, foreign governments, or corporations.

    Specifically, Canada has kowtowed to the Zionist lobby for far too long, sending our children to die in far off wars NOT for our own security, but for the imperialistic interests of the illegitimate State of Israel…

    You have the right to live in a demographically stable society that is not eroded by excessive immigration, or by immigration of people from countries which do not share our values. Immigration laws will favour people from countries with similar language, culture, and values as us. The government will strictly enforce borders and hear immigration cases rapidly, deporting those who are rejected, in an expeditious manner.

    Canada’s 'open border' policy, which encourages immigration from nations that are diametrically opposite to our culture, religion and values, is right out of the Soviet Marxist playbook. The purpose of such a policy is first to dilute then to decimate our cultural status quo, making it easier for the government to subjugate us.

    The Soviet Marxists used similar methods, by forcing large populations of foreigners of meagre means into areas that were demographically stable and primarily populated by industrious Slavic farmers. The influx of these foreign peoples destroyed the local Slavic culture and economy, resulting in a Cultural Holocaust that allowed the Marxist regime to spiritually enslave the indigenous population within one generation."

    James Sears, NCP leader, calls out Zionism in TV debate:

  2. Canadians are amazingly stunned and trusting of their CBC's, and CTV's..When the "autopsy" of the "terrorist" was released – they would only say: zero evidence of illegal drugs.. no mention of SSRI's! Then they stated he had been shot 17 times, and had over 35 holes (entrance & exit bullet holes) in his body, while he "raced" through the Parliament Buildings.. and no-one said BOO! That makes Me so sad for Canada!

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