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Evelien Gilbert, Jim Fetzer and Dennis Cimino discuss the collapse of Western civilization

Friday 2/20 – Listen live – 8 to 10 pm Eastern on Revolution Radio:  – click on the “Studio B” button. To be rebroadcast Sunday 11 a.m. to 12:45 p.m. Eastern on  and then archived at the usual spot.

fetzer-in-northfieldScheduled guests Mike Palecek, author of American History 101, and law professor David Eisenstein of Monsta Super Pac experienced technical difficulties. So Evelien Gilbert, Jim Fetzer, and Dennis Cimino filled in. Topics: The theatrical/cinematic staging of false flag events; Jim Fetzer’s battle with Zionist censors in Northfield, Minnesota; the collapse of the global economy as reflected in the Baltic Dry Index and slowdown in American trucking; what really happened to the planes on 9/11; and more.

One Thought to “Evelien Gilbert, Jim Fetzer and Dennis Cimino discuss the collapse of Western civilization”

  1. Dennis Cimino writes:

    "Those who have questions, go get the book. Don't take it from me. But maybe give Ms. Roth a chance to explain to you in her words, in her book, what she thinks may have happened on 9/11/2001 to these crews and passengers.

    I'm a hard sell. But in all fairness to this lady's work, I think we owe it to her to not summarily, due to location strictly, surmise she is ghost writing for CIA. Thirteen going on fourteen years later, as much as we know, we still have questions about 'why' these crews in every single case, did NOT, and I do mean, did NOT use the dyed in the wool, well known DURESS protocols to alert ground personnel about their exact status during these hijackings. That is the only real burning question here above and beyond all of it, and I really have a very hard time believing personally that the F.A.A. took that away prior to 9/11/2001 and didn't inform crews of this possible loss of communications via these pre-arranged and ordained processes ALL CREWS KNOW or knew existed.

    That is perhaps the more burning question over all else. IF this happened, why in god's name would the F.A.A. allow it when it is so very very morally wrong to totally take away the voices of the crews and passengers in a situation where they absolutely needed to be heard on the ground by their actions to alert ATC of their status. That is a very very very hard one to solve or rationalize, from my experience as a pilot who knows these processes and believes they still exist and are valid.."

    -Dennis Cimino

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