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Questioning the War on Terror 2nd edition sells out early on book tour!

My wife Fatna and I recently returned from a very successful Northern California tour premiering the new edition of  Questioning the War on Terror: A Primer for Obama Voters. The people we met were extraordinary, the books sold out early, and the overall experience was so positive that Fatna has become a strong 9/11 truth movement supporter! A huge thank-you to event organizers Maureen O’Flaherty, Larry White, David Kimball, Tom King, and the others who pitched in and made this possible. And another big thank-you to Carol Brouillet, Ken Jenkins, and the rest of the Bay Area 9/11 Truth Alliance, where we were invited to a very enjoyable potluck and Q&A session.

My only regret about this trip is that we weren’t able to meet with Janette McKinlay, who is suffering severe health problems related to her exposure to the very World Trade Center dust she provided to Steven Jones and other scientists–with historic results. Janette is a talented artist and extraordinary human being. Please join us in praying for her.  

Video of my Northern California book tour:

Questioning the War on Terror
Sacramento, California – April 2, 2010 


Peace Jihad: Islam and the Quest for a World Without War  

“Peace Pyramid” Fair Oaks, CA – April 3, 2010  7:00 PM   8:41   9:27  10:56 

3 Thoughts to “Questioning the War on Terror 2nd edition sells out early on book tour!”

  1. I've missed your blogs. Well, it sounds as if your wife may think that 9-11 truth is not such tinfoil hat stuff after all?

  2. Fatna always thought we were right, but wondered why I had to be the one to sacrifice myself for the cause. After meeting folks in Santa Cruz, the Bay Area, and Sacramento, she saw that 9/11 truth activists are wonderful people, and that this issue is the one with the leverage to change the world. It was the quality of the people we met on the book tour that brought her around. A big thank-you to the Northern California truth movement!!

  3. Salaam,

    Videos are not working, were made private ?

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