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Phony unanimity proves Egypt’s “constitution” a sham

According to the al-Sisi junta, more than 98% of Egypt’s voters have approved a new “constitution” that establishes a permanent totalitarian dictatorship. That 98% figure says it all. Whenever 98% of voters supposedly vote for anything, you know the “election” is a sham. Fake unanimity is the hallmark of dictatorships. People like Stalin, Mao, and al-Sisi are always “elected” by near-unanimous “landslides.” Full article:


Is the USA a “fascist beast”?

Wed. 2/27/13, 3-5 pm Central,  American Freedom Radio  (archived here.) First hour: British scholar Rodney Shakespeare writes: “The USA is a fascist beast. Yes, the country which likes to lecture everybody about liberty, democracy and human rights has become viciously totalitarian. “Every sane person knows this is true about the USA at home. The government spies on everyone; people are beaten up; in the airports people are sexually humiliated to get them used to being controlled; the mainstream television channels spew lies; thousands of drones will soon be in the skies (and who would be so foolish as to claim…