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Dave Lindorff on N. Korea crisis; Mazin Qumsiyeh from Palestine discusses hunger strike, now becoming general strike

Broadcast here May 3rd, 11 to noon Eastern then archived. For less than a dollar a week you can subscribe…and listen to this show RIGHT NOW!  Click HERE.  Journalist and China expert Dave Lindorff First hour: Dave Lindorff is a careful and credible journalist with the courage to report the facts he discovers, even when it comes to such controversial issues as false flag terror. (His work on the Boston Marathon false flag bombing is superb.) Dave also has a background in Chinese Studies. He speaks fluent Chinese and has spent extensive time in Asia. So who better to discuss the current crisis involving the US,…


Dave Lindorff on Boston bombing false flag, plus red-pill talk radio with Jeff in Cincy

Broadcast here April 19th, 11 to noon Eastern then archived. For less than a dollar a week you can subscribe…and listen to this show RIGHT NOW!  Click HERE. First 15 minutes: Since April 15th marked the fourth anniversary of the 2013 Boston Marathon bombing, we’re replaying the segment from a few years ago in which former mainstream journalist and real investigative reporter Dave Lindorff exposes the event as a false flag. Final 45 minutes: Jeff in Cincy (with co-host Rob from Winona) interviews Kevin about 9/11 truth, false flags, people dropping off the Trump train as it speeds ahead toward total war, and much more.


Dave Lindorff on Ebola, Hong Kong unrest, & Boston false flag

Broadcast October 15th, 10-11:00 a.m. Central (1500 GMT) on, archived here. Note: subscribers can listen to shows on-demand before they are broadcast – and also get free downloads! If you are a subscriber, just log in to the members area of and go to the “Private Blog” to get early access to the shows.  Dave Lindorff – one of the last real journalists in America – contrasts Cuban vs. American responses to Ebola, critiques knee-jerk leftist reactions to the Hong Kong protests, and explains what really happened at the Boston Marathon false flag bombing. (Hint: The Tsarnaevs…

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