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FFWN: Jews Who Control Media Suspend Candace Owens for Claiming Jews Control Media, Thereby Proving Jews Don’t Control Media

Rumble link  Bitchute link Watch above Saturdays after 1 pm Eastern. PSA 0) Help FFWN Figure Out What It Was That Candace Said 9/11 Anniversary 1) Israel Did 9/11 (Wyatt Peterson) 2) American Pravda: October 7th and September 11th Media Stranglehold 3) Jews Who Control Media Suspend Candace Owens for Claiming Jews Control Media, Thereby Proving Jews Don’t Control Media 4) Vance Declines to Denounce Carlson After Interview With Holocaust Revisionist (NYT) 5) ‘Biden is out to get me’: Russian-American TV host Dmitri Simes facing 60 years in a US jail speaks out 6)…


LIVE RADIO! Ron Unz on “Donald Trump, Kamala Harris, and the Tottering American Empire”; Alan Sabrosky on “Fallout of the Butler faux ‘assassination attempt'”

Listen live Fridays noon to 2pm Eastern on Revolution.Radio later archived at First hour: Ron Unz, editor and publisher of the Unz Review, discusses “Donald Trump, Kamala Harris, and the Tottering American Empire.” a useful summary of ongoing ever-more-bizarre developments in American politics.  We’ll compare notes on the “Trump shooting” in Butler, Pennsylvania, an issue we sharply disagree on. The likelihood of a major escalation on the West Asian front, in the wake of Israel’s assassinations of Ismail Haniyeh and Fouad Shukur, will also be on the agenda. Second hour: Dr. Alan Sabrosky returns for another “first Friday of the month”appearance. He…