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E. Michael Jones: Amazon Burned My Books—It’s an Outrage!

Listen HERE Historian and cultural critic E. Michael Jones just had all his books suddenly erased from Amazon (along with hundreds of reviews—the intellectual property of the reviewers, now annihilated and erased from history by the Amazon censors). His account offers yet more evidence that the internet monopolies need to be seized and run as First Amendment compliant public utilities—and their executives imprisoned for treason against the Constitution and violating antitrust law. Jones explains: “We were up to between 40 and 50 ebooks. And then one of the usual suspects noticed that one of my books was called Jewish Privilege.…


“Who Did 9/11?”—and Why Did Amazon Ban Nick Kollerstrom’s Book?

Listen HERE Why would Amazon ban a book called Who Did 9/11? Dr. Nicholas Kollerstrom, a history of science Ph.D. with a specialty in chemistry, is the author of many books, including: *The best book on the 7/7 London bombings, Terror on the Tube. (Watch the 7/7 video Kollerstrom and Farrell Are Dead.) *Breaking the Spell, which builds on Dr. Kollerstrom’s research into cyanide residues discovered in German concentration camps—research that got him summarily fired from University College London. *Chronicles of False Flag Terror critiquing official versions of the Bologna railway station bombing (August 1980), the Israeli London Embassy bombing (July 1994),…


Ken Meyercord on “Digital Book-Burning”

Archived HERE Ken Meyercord questions Amazon’s bizarre ban on 68 history books. The books in question are factually-oriented, often highly technical, offering little or nothing that could conceivably be described as “hate” or “bigotry.” But the sober scientific and archeological facts in these books, according to Amazon, must be far more dangerous than Hitler’s Mein Kampf and the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion, both of which Amazon happily sells and profits from. Jeff Bezos, please come on my show and explain! Ken Meyercord lives in the Washington, DC area, where he haunts think-tank events to raise iconoclastic questions…